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"King put me down" honesty said trying to get of his grasp "prince help me"

"Nah you good" he continued to text on his phone

Everybody was having fun..well king, prince,Chris, and honesty was having fun. Chris couldn't stop laughing since he got here. Honesty keep getting beat up by king. Prince was beating up Chris because Chris kept taking his food.

Other the other hand amir and Anastasia wasn't having as much fun. They felt left out in a way. Seeing honesty and her brothers relationship with each other makes Amir and Anastasia wish they had that. Amir and Anastasia could literally have almost anything in the world but what they really want is a brother and sister relationship they never really had. They want to tell each other that but the problem is they don't know where to start. It's weird for them because it was just one day their parents pop up saying oh y'all siblings.

"What's wrong with y'all" honesty said while king put her down

"Nothing" Amir and Anastasia both responded

"Yes it is y'all would normally be arguing or play fighting but y'all just sitting there with this type of look on y'all face"

"It's nothing wrong honesty" Anastasia mumbled

Chris stood up next to honesty looking at both Amir and Anastasia. "You think I don't know when it's something wrong with my girl and best friend"

"Nothing. Is. Wrong" Anastasia said growing irritated

"Amir and Anastasia-"


Chris and honesty was taken wayyyy back. "I was having a good fucking day and y'all up here screaming at me in my own house" Chris scoffed "fuck outta here, just don't even say shit to me for the rest of the day" he walked off

"Done fucked up my day, I'm leaving Amir don't come by either" honesty rolled her eyes and walked out but not before slamming the shut

"Welp I'm leaving too" king got up

"Me too" prince followed behind leaving only Anastasia and Amir

No words was exchanged between the two. As much as they wanted to say something the words was stuck in their throat. Amir gained enough strength to finally say something.

"Um I know we haven't been in each other lives for long as brother and sister but do you wanna hang out get to know each other more"

A smile slowly started to appear on Anastasia face "yeah can we go to the mall"

"Yeah come on"
2 hours later

"OU lets go in here" I pointed to the jewelry store dragging Amir by his hand

I have to say this day is perfect, well except with the incident that happened earlier. Chris is really mad at me he ignored all my text and calls.

"You like this lil sis" Amir pointed to this silver encrusted watch

"Yeah it's cool..but I like this one more" I pointed to a gold and silver watch with pink face

but I like this one more" I pointed to a gold and silver watch with pink face

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