135 7 0

October 25


Sitting up stretching from my nap Chris phone kept ringing and the shower was on meaning he was in there.

"Who the fuck is Miya" I mumbled seeing multiple text messages from her.

"Should I" I but my lip in hesitation.

"Well shit he go thru mines so" I shrugged putting my finger print in I went to his messages.

Miya💛: we got a lot did last night🤗

Chris😎: Yes we did. We just need to make sure Anastasia don't find out! See you next week?

Miya💛: secret is safe with me😌and yes regular time. My husband is taking the kids out of town next week so we'll have more time.

Chris😎: alright see ya.

Miya💛: see ya later👋🏽

"What the fuck" I mumbled in disbelief.

"Baby- mcht why you got my phone man" he came out the bathroom in nothing but a towel...damn focus Stasia.

"Chris who is Miya" I asked calmly.

"Huh" he asked scratching the back of his neck.

"If you can huh then you can hear me my nigga!!! Who THE FUCK IS MIYA?!" I yelled getting mad.

"Nobody important man damn. Why the hell you going through my phone" he asked trying to snatch it out of my hand but I pulled it back.


"I was in the studio like I said" he said shrugging.

I squinted my eyes not believing the dumb ass shit that was coming out of his mouth.

"Do I have fucking stupid written across my forehead Christopher?" I asked as he looked through my drawers for his clothes.

"Nah you very bright. Smart as fuck baby" he smiled.

"CHRIS.WHO.THE.FUCK.IS. THIS?!" I asked on the verge of tears hitting his wet chest making him hiss.

"Gone with yo crazy ass man" he said pushing me back gently.

"Get your shit and get out" I mumbled throwing his phone on the bed. If I wasn't pregnant I'll be fighting this nigga.

"What" he scoffed.

"GET OUT" I yelled with my tears spilling.

"You tripping man" he shook his head putting on his clothes.

"WHO IS THIS BITCH THEN?!" I asked angrily.

"She ain't no bitch man" he groaned.

"THEN WHAT IS SHE?! EXPLAIN THE MESSAGES" I said shoving the phone his face making him grab my arm.

He stayed quiet and just stared at me with a sympathetic look while the tears were steady coming.

"You pathetic man let me go! I need to go" I yanked out of his grip and started putting my shoes and jacket on. I grabbed Princess and my keys and tried to walk out of the room.

"Where you going man" he stressed rubbing his hand down his face.

"Move Chris" I tried pushing him out of the way.

"MOVE" I yelled getting mad.

"Aight be like that. I'm not finna explain myself to you man. I told you I ain't fucking her. When you ready to trust me give me a call" he gripped my hand once more before he walked out of the room.

Heart Vs mind (discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang