Chapter 30: Found...

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PoV (Zack)

   Selena helped me and the girls in rescuing Jaycee. She managed to hack the platforms systems and we're on our way back to the surface, to our friends. We cross through sectors 5 to 1, taking turns in carrying Jaycee. Once we arrived at sector 1, we were greeted by someone I didn't expect...

Angel: I'm sorry, Agent 3... But I won't let your group nor Jaycee through...

Izzy: You! You're that girl I saw when Tar Tar was controlling me!!

Angel: Yes, Subject 10,008... You're leader has some one who I hold dear... 

Izzy: (Looks at Jaycee) No! You will not take Jaycee-kun!!

Selena: You have to get through us!!

Tar Tar: (She twitched) What are you doing subject 21,417!?! You were suppose to protect the engineers that are working on the machine!! (Sees what Angel was doing)Are you trying to pick a fight with these low lives?


 Tar Tar: Are you trying to save him?!! HA HA! He's a lost cause!!! He served his purpose...

Angel: No... He still has his uses!

Tar Tar: Are you disobeying me?!!

Angel:... There's a change of plans, Commander... (She felt pain) GYAAAAA!!!

Tar Tar: NO! You obey ME!!! (Trying to take control)

Ariel: What's happening to her?!

Zack: Tar Tar is trying to control her!!!

Ally: Come on we got to help her!!! (She charged her way to battle!)

Zack: (!!!) Agent 4 and 8 to me!! Selena? Can you take care of Jaycee?

Selena: Yes, Captain! (Zack was about to leave but she stopped Zack) Wait!! Before you go? I want you take this! (She gave a syringe fill with a familiar liquid) 

Zack: (Looks at the syringe) Is this?... Where did you get this?... (He was suspicious about Selena)

Selena: Yes, it is... I can explain-

Zack: Once this is over? We'll have a little chat ok?...

Selena: (Gulp)...Yes, Captain...

    I catched up with Izzy, Ariel and Ally. The girls where petrified at sight of Angel. She was  going insane, struggling,  and suffering from Tar Tar's grip! I looked at the syringe, that Selena gave to me. I know we must do...

Zack: Girls! Keep her under control! 

   The girls grabbed Angel! Izzy and Ariel grabbed Angel's arms, while Ally grabbed both Angel's legs. Angel trying her best breaking free from their grip. She screamed and struggled, from Tar Tar's grip. Somehow I felt that...

Izzy: Captain! What are going to do?

Zack: I'm going to stick this into her! (He showed a syringe) 

Ariel: The cure?! Where did you get that?!

Zack: Now is not the time, Agent 4!! Keep her still! We're getting an Agent back...(He approached her, but Angel suddenly stopped screaming and struggling) 

Ally: What the?...

Tar Tar: NO!!!! You will never take her away from me!! 

Tar Tar suddenly used Angel's body to break free from the girls!! he manages to grab Angel's weapon and started to attack us! The girls and I scrambled as we try to avoid... Regular ink?...

Tar Tar: WHAT?!! This is not my Sanitation- (Realizes what Angel has done) You LITTLE- GHAAA!!! 

   Tar Tar suddenly stop attacking us and instead created an escape route of ink leading towards the exit!! He quickly turned into a squid and dove into the ink!!

Ally: She's getting away!! If she gets to the Kettle ,we'll never have this same chance ever again!

Ariel: Stop her!! 

  The girls ran ahead trying to catch up with Tar Tar/ Angel, but I had another idea... I placed the cure into my Charger and took aim. The ink ripple of Angel was getting close to the Kettle. I can try to aim her when she emerges from her Ink, but I can only get one shot at this... 

Zack: Steady... Steady...

Tar Tar: FREEDOM... (Emerges from the ink, but felt a sharp pain on his right shoulder. He sees what he feared the most) No... NOOOO!...

   Tar Tar's goo melted off of Angel's face. Angel's body took a deep breath and collapsed. Izzy and Ariel quickly catching her. Me and Ally approached Angel's now freed body...

Ally: Is she alright?

Ariel: (Checking for Vitals) Yes! Yes she is!

Zack: I can't believe it... after all these years...

Ally: You finally found her?...

Zack: Yes... Izzy?

Izzy: Yes, Zack?!

Zack: Go get Selena and Jaycee!

Ariel: I'll help Izzy!

Zack: Roger that, Ariel! (Ariel and Izzy left)

Ally: (Approaches Zack) Wait until Jaycee wakes up to see her, huh? (Zack didn't respond) Zack?...



   Sitting in dark alone, crying and listening to all these voices! Their echoes stabbing me like a knife. I just wanted this to end!!! But suddenly....The voices... They're gone... I stopped crying and started to look around darkness... I started to hear new voices, but it wasn't the voices I always hear.... No, these new voices... Sounded Familiar?... Could it be?...

I started running around in dark, blinded and not knowing where the hell I was going!... Just I was about to give up, heard my Sensie's voice!...

???: You are close my boy...

???: Grandpa?...

     A spark of light glow in the dark. I start to run towards it. The light grew larger. Brighter. I finally got to the light and I was blinded, but the light took me to a place I never been in a long time...

???: (Opens his eyes) Uhg... Where am I?... What is this Place?... (He looked around and saw a photo frame) Is that?... No! I can't be here... (Hears the door open and goes back to sleep)

Ally: (Opens the door slightly) Huh?...

Zack: What did you hear?

Ally: I thought I heard something or someone?

Zack: Well, we better head back to camp and get our breakfast.

Ally: You go on ahead. I'll catch up. I need to check on something...

Zack: Ok! I'll see you at camp. (He left)

Ally: (Enters the room and got close to Jaycee) Am I hearing things? Was it you Jaycee?

Jaycee: (Opens his eyes)


To be continued...

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