Chapter 22: The Kraken with in

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???: You called for me, Your Highness?

???: Yes, I know that you are about to go and get rid of the problem we have. But may ask a favor to you, Subject 40,801?

Subject 40,801: What is it you wish for?

???: The Capture of Criag Cuttlefish....

 OctoValley, PoV (Izzy)

   We heard rustling some where in the woods. The birds suddenly flew away from the trees. Both me and the Captain hugged in fear. I watch as Neo-kun ran towards his brush. He then tried to open the boxes, but a stream of Ink has stopped him! I realized that it wasn't ink when I saw the color... The feeling of fear is now making me shiver. Memories of Tar Tar trying to kill and controlling me, made cry.

???: D-do not touch the b-box.

Neo: (!!!) Ate C-Cember?! No...

Cember's new radio: Slave! You have your Orders... Carry them out!... (Cember charged her gun and starts attacking Neo)

Izzy: Neo-kun watch out! (Neo and dodge to Cember's attacks!)

   Watching Neo-kun and Cember-kun fighting each other was terrifying! The thought of that Tar Tar's Sanitize serum what makes me worried! One touch of that serum and it's all over us! Neo-kun swings brush to get some ink onto Cember-kun, but she kept dodging and always outranges Neo-kun!...

Neo: <I must protect the equipment! But what about Ate Izzy and the Captain?> Captain! Take Ate Izzy and get out of here!! 

Captain Cuttlefish: Come now, Agent 8! We've have to get out here!

Izzy: No, We need to help him Neo-kun!

   The Captain looked at me with shock, but I was determined to help Neo-kun! I'm not going to sit around helplessly while his fighting Cember-kun!! With all the strength I have, I managed to stand by myself! I look at the Captain and his eyes were wide as a balloon! I look below at my feet and I hesitate to take a step, but I took a deep breath and took my first step! Filled with confidence now, I start to walk towards to the equipment to find my Octo shot. I heard the Captain going crazy from what I just did and It filled me determination...


   As our Ink clashed, I kept trying to make a path towards Ate Cember, but she always retreats and always outranges me! The fighting calm down when she found a high ground to perch and started to snipe me afar! I took cover behind behind a tree...

Neo:  <Dang it! I can't reach at Ate Cember like this!> (Takes a peek, but instantly a stream of Ink almost hit him)

???: Neo-kun!

Neo: (???) (!!!) (Sees Izzy) A-Ate IZZY?! 

Izzy: Need a hand Neo-kun?! (Neo gave her a shocked face)

Neo: Y-you c-can st-stand and w-walk?! H-how?!

Izzy: (She smiled)Let's just say, I'm not gonna sit around and be helpless! (She showed a vile of the cure) What should we do now?

Neo: (!!!) Y-you brought the cure?! 

Izzy: I was hoping that Cember might need this?

Neo: Y-yes! What we need to do is to take out Ate Cember above us! We can't reach her, unless-

Izzy: Some one distracts her?

Neo: That's actually a good plan! I'll distract her, while you try to cure her.

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