Chapter 24: Subject 40,801

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Subject 40,801:  Marina... Arise! (Marina's eyes opened with a sky blue glow) Tell me?... For the past few months, your little rebellion has collected several items through out the city. What were you doing with those items?

Marina: M-making a-a c-cure for t-the S-sanitized, C-Commander!

Subject 40,801: (Grabbed Marina and stared at her emotionless face) What do you mean cure?...

Tar Tar: (Subject 40,801 twitched)Subject 40,801! This cure will be a threat to my plans! We must find that substance and put an end to it! 

Subject 40,801: Don't worry, Commander!... I've sent the new recruit to scout and she made a little discovery for her self... (Tar Tar grinned)

PoV (Ally)

   Moments later, after walking in the woods, the group has finally arrived at the location of Captain Cuttlefish. To our sight, we only saw Izzy and Neo. The equipment was gone and so was the Captain!

Ally: Agent 8? What happened?

Izzy: We were attacked by Cember-kun and The Captain was captured.

Ally: No, not the Captain!

Kent: So it is true... You 2 looked bruised? What happened with your fight?

Izzy: We tried to save her. Neo-kun was distracting her, while I tried to give her the cure, but she was too quick with her reactions and kept escaping from us! I eventually used fell into her trap and she used her special against me until-

Neo: I showed up and saved her.

Ally: But How?... (Izzy pointed at the Kraken brush. Ally realizing what it means)No... Are you serious?(Neo and Izzy nodded. The group were surprised to hear it)

Silver: I-I can't believe you used Jaycee's swipe! How did you it?!

Neo: (He smiled at Silver) True Love... 

Silver: I still don't understand- (She was interrupted by Kent)

Kent: Yes, Neo can use the swipe! But where's the Equipment?

Silver: Rude!

Kent: Yes, I know! I'm sorry, but what is important right now is where is the equipment! (Silver rolled her eyes looked away)

Izzy: (Izzy smile faded) We don't know?

Kent: What do you mean, We don't know? (Getting flustered)

Ally: Whoa, there Kent! (Calming Kent down) The Captain told me that he hid the equipment, but the problem is we don't know where.

Pearl: Hey Captain 5's! I've found this! (She gave a bamboo cane to Ally)

Ally: This cane... It's from the Captain!

Pearl: Plus, there's something carved on it!.

  I checked the cane and to see 3 symbols on it. The first looks like a river. The second, was a bush or a tree? And the last was a mountain or a rock? I can't tell. 

Pearl: What could they mean Captain 5s?

Ally: (She remembered Cuttlefishes' last words) Captain Cuttlefish told me that he might get captured. I think, I know these symbols mean. These symbols... are the locations of the equipment. (She looked around and found the figures that pares up with the symbols) Kent check the big rock over there!

Kent: Got it!

Ally: Pearl and Silver! Check the forest if you guys can find equipment.

Pearl: You got it, Cap! Let's go Silver!

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