Chapter 4: The Innocent one...

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Mako Mart, PoV(Ally)

There I was with Silver feeling full and drunk from the snacks and the sweets we ate until Kurt showed up... I felt ashamed of what I did in front of him. Am I even a good of a captain?... 

Kurt: Quick you said, huh?! Yeah, you guys are sure quick in eating all of these foods! (Silver and Ally were surprised)

Ally: (!?!) K-Kurt! I-I can explain!

Kurt: Some captain you are! (Ally was ashamed) Just playing around, even though we are supposed to get some food here, instead of eating all of it!!

Silver: I-I'm sorry! I was the one who convinced her...

Kurt: (Kurt expression changed) Oh... I'm sorry for lashing out!

Ally: So, you got the cans?

Kurt: Um... No!...

Ally: (Ally raised an eyebrow at Kurt) Looks like I'm not the only one whose been goofing off!

Kurt: No! This is more serious than you think!... (An Ink shot missed Kurt) (!!!) She's here!!

Ally: (She and Silver were surprised and confused) Who's she?

Kurt: IZZY!!!!

10,008: Y-you're not going... A-any were!

Izzy appeared from the shadows and started to attack us! The group prepared their weapons and started to retaliate! 

I've got to admit Izzy is really skillful. Guess spending for 2 years at the deep-sea metro can make you this skillful. She is literally dodging our attacks! Silver and I can't even get close to her!! Kurt is also having a hard time to aim at her! To make things harder the serum is spreading throughout the floor!

 Kurt then tried to counter her with his Splat turrets but to our surprise... She has those too!!! Great!! I wonder how the heck she got those turrets?! She slowly cornered us!... 

Our situation became dire!... I was thinking away then an Idea came to my head! Then I grabbed Silver's attention!...

Ally: Silver!! (Both her and Silver's tentacles glowed) Do you know what I'm thinking?...

Silver: (She noticed her glow and smiled) You got it!!

We both jumped in the air and used our special, "SPLASH DOWN"!! Our slam created a huge wave of our ink and Izzy was forced to retreat!...

Ally: This is our chance!! Run to the exit!!

We started to run for our lives, Izzy following us!... Suddenly I saw Silver tripped from her running and sprained her ankle!...

Silver: Ally! Help me!!

Ally & Kurt: SILVER!!!

We rushed towards her but Izzy managed to get to her first! Kurt and I froze from fear... Izzy is going to shot her!

Ally: Izzy!... Please don't do it!...

Tar Tar: (Talking through Izzy) I'm afraid she can't do that!... In the end, you will all server me!... Kill her subject 10,008! (Silver embraced her fate)

Kurt & Ally: NO!!! (Izzy pointed her Octoshot at Silver, but didn't shoot...) (?!?)

Silver: (?!?) I-Izzy?...

Izzy: R-Run!! R-run! Before... O-Octavio comes!!! (She started to fight Tar Tar's control)

Tar Tar: Dam it Subject 10,008!!!

Kurt and I quickly grabbed Silver and managed to escape from Mako mart! Both I and Kurt carried Silver far away from Mako mart and Izzy... 

Ally: We failed...

Kurt: (Kurt comforted her) Don't worry Ally... We'll try again! But this time... Bring Zack! They do have a relationship, right?...

Ally: I don't know? I haven't asked or seen Zack and Izzy in awhile...

Silver: Oh, I'm sure that they are a couple! Speaking of couples... (She smirked both at them. Kurt and Ally blushed)

Kurt: Ally can I drop her?

Ally: Kurt!

Kurt: What?! (The memory of him and Silver still annoyed him) She's annoying us!

Silver: Says the guy, who told my best friend to turn on me!!! (Kurt felt guilt)

Ally: Stop it both of you! We have to get back to base and try again to get the food... (She checked her watch) But this time with somebody I know... (She radioed Zack)

Inkopolis Square, Ammo Knights, PoV(Zack)

It sickens me to see many of the Inklings and some of the Octolings were sanitized and attacked us. Ariel, Fernando and I were roaming around Ammo knights to get extra supplies of weaponry... To you tell something weird: Working with the Famous Ink Tridon wielder is a great honor, no wonder why brother joined his team. Even though Seth can be a douche bag to girls...

Another thing about Fernando keeps looking at Ariel and looked nervous. Wait!... Don't tell me he has a crush?...

Zack: (Approached Fernando) What are you looking at?

Fernando: (?!?) Oh, Just some scopes besides... Who is she again?...

Zack: Oh. Her name is Ariel.

Fernando: Yeah, Ariel! (Zack noticed a hint of color at his cheeks)

Zack: You like her don't you?!

Fernando: What?! Whats with the romantic question all of a sudden?!

Zack: Oh, I don't know! Your behavior tells it! 

Fernando: How can I like her! Even though I can't remember her name! Plus, I don't know who she really is?!

Zack: Don't worry Fernando! (He patted Fernando) I'll tell you all about her! (He then received a radio call) Hello?

Ally: Zack! We failed to get the food! We were delayed by her...

Zack: What was the delay?! Whose her?...

Ally: Izzy... (Zack froze...)

Fernando: Agent 3? Agent 3? Are you alright?! What's happening to them?!

Zack: They found my precious love...

Mako Mart

Tar Tar: You failed me, subject 10,008! You must obey me!

Izzy: N-never! I won't give... in... (Tar Tar managed to control her again)

Tar Tar: Phuh!... I want you to stay here and keep an eye out for those rats! I know they will come back for more, and this time we have reinforcements...

Octarian Captain: At your disposal commander Tar Tar!...

To be continued...

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