~Time skip cause why not? We needed one at some point so why not now? Also, I don't feel like going into Food Wars level description of how the food was made. They're pastries.

The tired group could barely contain themselves as they gulped down the pastries Kurogiri had provided. If he had a face, everyone knew it'd be smeared in pride. Kurogiri watched as Twice, Toga, Hawks, and Kyoko scarfed the deliciousness down like it was the first thing they'd had in weeks. "You're eating like you haven't eaten in days kiddo." Twice laughed as he watched Kyoko eat. "You're on your talk. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. What's your excuse?" Twice laughed again, and Toga watched them, beaming. At the very least, Kyoko was able to eat despite the horrific sight she'd seen. Hawks thought the same thing, which was obvious after he bursted out with, "How can you still eat after seeing something like that though?" There was no need to say what 'that' was, as everyone knew. "I killed my own dad," Kyoko laughed, catching everyone by surprise. "I think it'll take a bit more than that to gross me out after having to see the bashed in head of my own parent. Also, this food is delicious and, as I said, I haven't eaten in a bit. I learned how to push certain images out." Her laugh faded as she turned to Kurogiri, asking if he had any more. He nodded, slipping over and placing another pastry on her plate. "Sounds rough kid, but after seeing only one body? Sounds unlikely." Dabi walked in and saw the pastry in Kyoko's mouth, turning to Kurogiri with a grin. "Oi, lemme have one. They smell great." Within seconds, he joined the rest on the couch, ignoring the glances others flashed him as Toga almost ripped his throat out. Kyoko flashed a weaker, more painful smile, and spoke. "There some things I'll tell you if you ask. Some topics I'd rather not go into too much detail on though. I think it's best to leave it at that. I killed my dad by bashing his head in. Seeing a partially disintegrated body isn't much compared to that. That's all I think should be said for now." Kyoko smiled again before finishing her pastry and standing up. "Now that that's done, I'm going to wash up. The pastries were delicious. I'll be stealing the bathroom." She turned and walked off, leaving the rest in a shocked silence. "She handled that well." Twice was first to break the awkward moment. Hawks turned to Dabi. "Hon, there are times when you can say what's on your mind and times where if you do I'll beat your ass. This time was definitely an 'I'll beat your ass' moment." Hawks then slapped him, causing a resonating smack sound to echo for a short moment. Toga suddenly spoke, making everyone turn to her. "How did the body get there?" She was biting her nails, confusion and frustration contorting her face into a menacing glare. Her chirp was gone. "There was plenty of time between me and Kyoko leaving the bathroom to her going back into the bathroom and finding it, but did no one go into the bathroom for all that time?" Dread began to settle in as realization began to hit. "If no one went into the bathroom, then how didn't we hear anything?" Toga continued, voicing the same concerns Hawks had felt early that morning. (Time check.... noon.... long breakfast period...) "By the look of the body when I saw it, the man had been there for at most 20 minutes. The blood was still fresh. Nothing was going on that could've been loud enough to block out the man screaming..." Toga trailed as she looked at Kurogiri. Her voice filled with suspicion as she spoke again. "The only way would be if he was killed and then dumped into the tub with teleportation, since no one heard anything. Kurogiri's the only one who doesn't make noise when he walks. But then why clean it?" Toga was switching between talking to herself, everyone else, and Kurogiri. Kurogiri spoke for the first time since breakfast. "I didn't teleport him there. I can only pick up solid objects that are either animate or inanimate things, like bodies, lamps, food. I can't teleport liquid unless it's in something solid. If I had brought the man here, then he would've been unconscious, not dead and bleeding out. Plus, I'd personally prefer avoiding hauling dead bodies around. Too many risks." Toga's voice didn't change. "Still. You could've brought him here unconscious. The cause of death is..." Toga's eyes widened and she bolted to the basement, Hawks a mere second behind her. She jumped down the stairs and raced towards the body, skidding to a stop and she clicked the light on and slumped next to the mutilated corpse. She scanned the remains, Hawks leaning over her shoulder. She giggled. It started short and quiet, getting louder and longer as she stared at it. "He died from a stab wound. He was already dead when he was thrown in the tub. No one heard him cause there was nothing to hear." She was laughing hard, clutching her stomach and wiping tears from her eyes. "Shigaraki did this all on his own." She fell to her side, still laughing. Hawks looked at the body, noticing the slash marks on the corpse's chest and midsection. They were too clean to be caused by disintegration. "It was a warning for Kyoko." Yoga sighed as she collected herself and stood, blood smeared across her side and face. Her laughter faded into a snarl. "I don't care how strong he is, I'm gonna kill that sonofabitch, and I'll enjoy every last minute of it." She clenched her fists and started towards the stairs. "I'm taking a shower." Hawks looked after her, then turned back to the body. So he died before he got here, case closed right? Hawks stared at the corpse some more, expecting something from it. If that's it, then why am I still so worried? Hawks couldn't shake the feeling they were missing something. Some key detail that was putting them in danger. What if that wasn't a warning for Kyoko?

A/N: Just when you thought this chapter was gonna be a nice slice of life chapter to get away from the dark storyline. SIIIIKKKKKEEEEE!!!

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