35. Blood Brothers

Start from the beginning

Dean and Natalia left the room, followed by Sam and Dylan.

Sam said, "Wait. Dean, Nat, seriously?"

"Hey, the trail is dead, but the room is paid for," Dean reasoned. "You two got some research to do, and Nat and I got some personal crap we got to take care of. That's all."

Dylan frowned. "What does that mean -- "personal"?"

Natalia turned to him. "Personal means it's something important to us."

"Don't give me a grammar lesson. And don't flip me off!"

"Damnit," Sam and Dylan muttered.

Dean immediately called him out. "What, Sam, Dylan? Last I counted, Sam, you took a year off from the job. Nat and I need a day."

Dean and Natalia got into the Impala and he started the engine. He drove off and the two of them thought back to their time in Purgatory.

Dean fell on his back to the ground during a fight. Natalia was struggling with another creature. Dean looked for his weapon, which was out of reach.

He kicked out with a leg and knocked the monster he was fighting down. He got up and grabbed his weapon. Natalia gained control of the monster she was fighting and grabbed her sword and smirked with a cold, terrifying expression.

Dean hurled the monster to the ground and swung his weapon at it three times. Natalia jammed her sword into her monster's heart.

Dean reached behind, and Natalia to her side, and placed a hand on each of Benny's arms. Another monster ran at them and Benny whistled. A second and third monster ran at them and the three of them got ready to strike.

Back in the motel, Sam and Dylan were looking for anything about Kevin. The two of them looked up Cascadia Credit, Kevin's Princeton admission form, and a credit card application with Kevin's picture with the name 'Kevin Park' on Sam's laptop.

"You are a wascally wabbit, Mr. Tran," Sam said.

Dylan raised an eyebrow. "All those years on the road, man."

"Shut up," Sam retorted before calling up a credit card application with the name 'Amelia Richardson'. "Concerned. Not stalking... concerned."

"That the girl?" Dylan questioned.

Sam nodded. "Yeah." He paused, hearing a whirring noise coming from the bathroom and went to investigate. The bathroom fan was making the noise.

As his mind flashed back, he screwed the cover back onto the fan. He turned it on and it operated quietly. He turned it off.

"Great. So you're fixing things now."

Dean and Natalia pulled up to a dock and he parked next to a pick-up truck. He looked into the cabin of the truck. Natalia opened the covered truck bed and opened up a small ice chest, containing blood bags. The two of them shook their heads before Dean took the ice chest and Natalia closed the truck bed.

They made their way outside the fuel barge and called, "Benny!"

Dean and Natalia walked into the fuel barge and down a flight of stairs to find Benny leaning against a wall.

"Benny?" Dean called. "Not lookin' good."

Benny chuckled. "Up yours."

Natalia opened the ice chest. "Special delivery."

Dean and Natalia leaned against a table with a number of empty blood bags as they waited for Benny. Eventually, he came out of the bathroom wearing clean clothes and was drying his hair with a towel.

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