9. Dust in the Wind

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[Appointment in Samarra]

(Purely for the reference... partly.)


Dean and Natalia looked at an address on a piece of paper and looked at the awning on the store in front of them before muttering, "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me."


"Hi, we're, uh, looking for..." Dean was cut off.

"Follow all the way back," the employee instructed. "All the way back."

Dean and Natalia went to the back of the store and took a series of steps up to an apartment.

"Dean and Natalia Winchester?" Dr. Robert asked.

"You must be Dr. Robert?" Dean guessed.

"Son, I stitched up your daddy more times than I can count, let me tell you. Oh, it's good to see you two. 'Course, that was ages ago, back when, uh, I still had my medical license. Right this way."

"Well, you know, I'm, uh, I'm no germ freak, but..."

Natalia frowned. "Yeah you are. And I'm kinda one too."

Dean glared at her as Dr. Robert said, "Rent's cheap."

Dean, Dr. Robert and Natalia entered the doctor's "office".

"Eva, my assistant," Dr. Robert introduced.

"Hi," Dean and Natalia greeted.

Dr. Robert gestured between two beds. "Hop right up."

"N-now, you've -- you've, um, done this a lot?" Natalia questioned nervously.

"Oh, many, many times."

"And your... success rate?"

"Oh, excellent -- almost 75%. So, should we get the, uh, preliminaries out of the way?"

"Yeah," Dean replied. "Uh, yeah, right." He handed Dr. Robert an envelope of money.

"Ah. Oh."

"Oh. Uh... So... listen, if, uh, something..."

"Goes wrong?"

"Yeah. Uh... Would you mail this for me, please?" He handed Dr. Robert a letter addressed to Ben.

"And would you mail this for me, please?" Natalia asked, handing Dr. Robert a letter addressed to Dylan.

"Sure," Dr. Robert said. "Would've thought you two had something for your brother, Sam."

"If we don't make it back, nothing we say is gonna mean a damn thing to him," Dean said.

Eva inserted an IV needle into their arms and Dean and Natalia cried, "Ahh!"

"Don't be babies," Eva retorted.

Natalia frowned. "Oh, I'm sorry. I can't help not liking needles."

"You know, a little bedside manner would be nice," Dean shot back.

"Are we ready?" Dr. Robert questioned. "Hmm?"

"You've both got three minutes."

They flatlined and Eva said, "No pulse, no sinus rhythm."

"They're dead."

Dean and Natalia walked up and saw their dead bodies. "Good times." They walked back out to the convenience store.

"This better work," Dean muttered. "Messorum evoco qui me tetigit."

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