"You need to be scheduled!"

"Well, then, schedule us!" Natalia yelled. "He was in a car crash. Why the hell can't we see him?"

"You're Sam Smith's brother and sister," Dr. Kadinsky realized. "Who's the other young man?"

Natalia took Dylan's hand and thought of a quick lie. "My husband."

"I don't see a ring."

"It's being adjusted. Now what's going on?"

Dr. Kadinsky turned to the nurse. "It - it's fine. Thank you. Really." The nurse left. "Sam was admitted. He was treated for a broken rib and lacerations."

"Okay," Dean said. "That's not too bad. And?"

"And... he's on our locked psychiatric floor."

Dean, Natalia and Dylan looked surprised before the elder brother said, "I mean, he's had some trouble..."

"So you're aware that Sam is experiencing a full-blown psychotic episode?"

"Psychotic? Come on. I mean, the guy's... It's not like the guy's freakin' Norman Bates."

"No, I'm sure he isn't. We need to determine whether his state was brought on by insomnia or whether the insomnia is a symptom of his condition. Do you three understand? So that we can figure out how to treat him."

Natalia tilted her head slightly. "Well, all any of us can say is that the sleep thing - is kinda new."

"Right. Well... we've pumped him about as full of sedatives as safely as we can. So far, he won't go under. I've never seen anything like it."

Dr. Kadinsky pushed a button to enter Ward D2. A sign on the wall and the door read 'High Security Area'. He, Dean, Natalia and Dylan walked down the hallway in the ward.


Hallucifer was sitting on a desk, playing with a piece of string. Sam was on the bed, dressed in a white T-shirt and white hospital pants.

"I'm just sayin'. Back when you had no soul..." Hallucifer began as Dr. Kadinsky, Dean, Natalia and Dylan appeared at the door, "... you never had to sleep." Dean and Natalia entered the room; Dylan had opted to stay back. "Ah, Miss and Mr. Helpless. Pull up a six-pack, buddy. Get some more muscle, little girl."

"How are you feeling?" Dean and Natalia asked.

"Maybe you two should cancel my UFC fight," Sam replied.

"Yeah. Keep that sense of humor, Sam," Hallucifer commented. "It'll get you through this."

Dean and Natalia sat on the end of Sam's bed before the elder brother said, "Sam, we're gonna find a way to help you."

Sam exhaled and looked away.

"Now, that sounded a little cynical," Hallucifer stated.

Sam looked at his brother. "I don't think it's out there, Dean, Nat."

Natalia shook her head. "We don't know that."

"We know better than most. It's all snake oil. Last faith healer we hooked up with had a reaper on a leash. Remember?"

Dean and Natalia stood before he said, "Yeah, Sam, we remember."

"I'm just saying..."

"What?" Natalia interrupted, her lip quivering slightly. "That you don't want our help?"

"No, I'm just saying... don't do this to yourselves."

"Sam, if we don't find something-" Dean trailed.

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