Chapter 39: Distancing \ The Look In His Eyes

Start from the beginning

"So, when is our deal coming into effect?" Confederate asked, an impatient tone in his voice.

Putting on an act, China laughed, his eyes glaring menacingly at Confederate, "Wait," he laughed again for show, "Give me a second, you actually thought I was being serious earlier?"

Confederate became confused, but before he could ask any questions, China continued, "You did, didn't you? Ha! Now that's rich."

Confederate's expression became steely, anger clear on his face, "What are you saying?"

China grinned, sitting down, "Let me explain this to you in words you can understand. Why would I help you?" China laughed to himself, "Can you answer me that, American pig?"

Confederate clamped his mouth shut in rage. Did he just get played for a fool?! China looked serious to him earlier but... I guess Confederate was wrong. Confederate's eyes became slits, contempt growing inside of him. Did China never really take him seriously? Was he just a simple toy for him to play around with?!

China grinned like a cat, knowing he had to keep up the act until Confederate left, "You can't? Then let me give you the answer: I have no reason to help you."

China stood up, continuing with his speech, "You claim to replace America and become his successor: different countryhuman, same country, yes? Well, no matter how many times I mull it over in my head, the risk is too great, and I'll tell you how." China coolly glanced at Confederate, suddenly thankful for his own rough upbringing. When you are practically raised in what seems to be endless wartime, putting on a mask of a face becomes quite easy. China started to pace around, not liking being so still, "Despite your century or so of planning- that's around how long you've been gone from this plane, correct?" Not giving Confederate time to answer, China continued, "Despite your century or so of planning, you don't have any allies willing to help you. Allies... allies with supplies and money and personnel, that's what you need. In your mind, you're playing a game of chess, and yet you're missing a handful of pieces: a knight there, a bishop there, and so on. A master at chess would not need those pieces to win anyway, but you are an amateur at best. An amateur who needs allies that can lend him the pieces he's missing."

Confederate followed China with his eyes, not quite sure where this was going. He really wanted to leave- if China wasn't going to help him, this was a waste of time- but he also got this feeling that whatever China says might be helpful. Might.

"Confederate, did you never once think that everyone else is playing an elaborate game of chess, too? Who we're playing against is beyond me. Maybe it's against fate, against death, against another country..." China glanced back at Confederate, "or maybe... even against God." China shrugged, "Then again, I don't really believe such an entity exists. If God does exist, then he sure doesn't give a fuck about us."

Confederate narrowed his eyes just a little, feeling the churning rage inside of him get a little angrier.

Confederate didn't like atheists.

I suppose he would have to get used to them, though, as well as the other oddities he's seen so far in this modern world.

"But, unfortunately for you, I'm smart enough to recognize the dangers of my opponents..." and my allies. China continued in thought. China would've said the last bit, but Confederate seemed mad enough as is, and China didn't exactly want to wait and see how long it would take for him to snap.

Something told China that it wouldn't be pretty.

China turned back to face Confederate, halting his pacing with a seemingly sad smile on his face, "I'll give you a scrap of advice, however. You see, you've looked through a keyhole for so long that now that the door's finally unlocked, you don't dare to open the door. You keep on seeing the world through America's eyes. America, to put it simply, is a lucky man. He still has a pretty important spot in his own government. A voteless spot, yes, but at least he can affect things to a degree. Most of the countryhumans in the world are..." China waved his hand around as if he were looking for the right word, "Fancy showpieces for governments to show off and use as some sort of diplomacy token. Back in your day, we were more important and had more meaning than just a fancy item on display, but things have changed. We butter up our enemies and allies and whatever," China hummed to himself, realizing something, "Hm, then maybe America and Russia are doing amazing jobs, getting all chummy like that. Huh, never really thought of it like that... Either way, the most I have is influence and bags of money, and I'm afraid that isn't enough for the people you're trying to challenge and win against here," China lied. Although it's true many countryhumans don't have any role in their own government- take the Nordics for example- China still did. He just needed a convincing lie to make his excuse make more sense. The more China went into his web of lies and excuses, however, the more he started to realize how good of a choice this was, distancing from Confederate. Even with China's current power and influence, if he got found out while helping Confederate, his climb to supremacy would've been squashed by filthy Europeans.

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