Ch 28: Ashes, Ashes, We all fall down \\ The Stardust, Stardust, Stardust

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Knock Knock

America's head peeked around the corner to look at the door. He glared at it for a few seconds before shouting, "Come in, it's unlocked!" With that, America ducked into a hiding spot under the couch. America's grand plan was in motion.

You see, after America figured out that he liked Russia, he suddenly decided that no, he was not going to embarrass himself in front of his crush with incohesive blabbering. Also, America didn't want to be lectured on how he didn't eat last night and this morning, which Russia would no doubt find out with his extremely handsome ways. Oh, god, brain, please stop whatever train of thought you're trying to start up. So, anyway, America had this grand plan: run away like a coward.

It's a great idea.

America heard the door open and Russia's footsteps. After a few moments of what America could guess was confused silence, Russia called out, "America? Are you in the bathroom or something?"

America heard Russia's footsteps start to head towards America's hotel bathroom and away from America. America inwardly rejoiced and jumped out of his hiding spot, lunging for the door. He was almost there, freedom in front of him, when he felt a hand grab onto his shirt collar. Because of the speed America was going at and the surprising strength of whoever grabbed him, America was yanked backwards into someone's arms. America awkwardly looked up to see a peeved Russian.

"Hi there," America started, glancing at the arms surrounding him, "I didn't know you wanted to cuddle with me~" America flirted to try and not get flustered himself, a smirk on his face as he gazed back at the now red Russian.

Russia quickly let go of America as the red crept up to his ears, "Sorry about that."

"No problem, now I'm gonna go skedaddle over to the Headquarters," America once again tried to run away and, once again, failed as Russia got a hold of America's collar. Russia gave America a did-you-really-think-you-could-get-away-with-that look and America sighed and turned around to face Russia, resigning to his fate, "Ok. What is it? If it's a lecture, I am 100% ready."

Russia's expression softened, the red on his face creeping away, "I'm not going to lecture you. I just want you to take care of yourself. I don't want you to starve. And if you die, I feel like that's on me."

America looked away, "I just.. I..."

"I understand, it's hard. You think you deserve it. But hey, look at me," Russia gently put his hand on America's cheek and moved America's head so that they were facing each other, "Please try. If you won't try for yourself, try for me. And if you still fail, it isn't your fault, I won't be mad, and I won't, for a single second, like you any less. It isn't wrong to ask for help. I promise you nobody will judge. I won't judge, at least. And, even if they do judge you for getting help, then they aren't your friends and they don't deserve you," Russia gave America a sad smile, "I'm not even sure if I deserve you."

America's eyes widened and he shook his head like crazy, "No! I'm the one who doesn't deserve you! You're amazing and even though I'm literal trash you still care for me and look out for me! You're still my friend even though I'm weak and stupid and-"

Russia silenced America with a hug and whispered, "You're not weak or stupid. You are enough."

America felt Russia's warmth around him and finally noticed the tears forming in his eyes. God, he's such a crybaby. But he's Russia's crybaby. He hoped so, at least. He hoped with all his heart that the red that was on Russia's cheeks was for him. America hugged Russia back and immediately felt so peaceful. It's just... Russia was so close and America's heart was beating miles a minute and everything felt so right.

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