Ch 35: Forgiveness \ The Story of Aleut, Aima, and Aisa

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Sitting on the roof of the hospital, Russia had a strange urge to grab some vodka. He was by no means an alcoholic, but the urge was there, promising to drown away what was dwelling in his heart and mind.

Russia put his hand over his eyes, trying to fight against the tears that threatened to fall. Adrenaline can only hold emotions at bay for so long, after all. Now, all of Russia's numbed emotions were crashing down on him, sending him into tidal wave after tidal wave of sorrow and worry. Using the hand that was covering his eyes, Russia rubbed away the tears already falling down his cheeks, letting his hand numbly fall to the ground when he had wiped his stupid tears away.

Staring up at the sky, Russia scowled. It was such a bright spring day, but Russia suddenly wished the sky would darken and rain would fall. He didn't understand how the world could be happy without America. He didn't understand any of it. Sure, America could come back... but he also may not. Russia frowned, leaning back against the wall surrounding the stairwell. How pathetic. The love of Russia's life confessed to him, and yet Russia couldn't say anything back. He just sat there like a dumbass. Why couldn't he say anything? Why couldn't Russia say just how much he loved America back? Why couldn't he squeeze America tightly and say those three words? Why couldn't he do something?

Oh, Russia would give anything to go back to that moment. He would give anything just to hold America tightly and say that he loved that stupid candy cane too. Maybe America could've become his stupid candy cane.

Russia's body racked as he let out a loud sob, hugging himself. He didn't want to cry alone, and yet here he was, sobbing on the roof without America by his side.


Russia could never explain it. To any logical person, his love for that dork is illogical- nonsensical. Heck, Russia wouldn't be able to explain it himself. He didn't know how it happened. He didn't know how he came to love America so much. He didn't know how or why or anything, really. All he knows is that he would do anything for America to just sit next to him on this lonely rooftop. He would do anything to protect America and his stupid, annoying, beautiful, adorable, cute smile.

The sound of a door opening suddenly came from Russia's right and Russia quickly wiped away his tears, trying to look as normal as possible before whoever just came onto the roof saw him bawling his eyes out. Russia glanced to his right, seeing a countryhuman taller than France facing him. The countryhuman had a navy blue flag with golden stars in specific formations on it. The countryhuman smiled, sitting down next to Russia while saying, "There you are! I was looking to see where you went."

Though Russia didn't know who this person was, he could only assume that he was one of America's states. The state smiled, "I kinda thought you'd stick around for longer and, you know, hear the entire plan."

Russia rolled his eyes, "Isn't that why you're here? To tell me about the plan?"

The state laughed, "Hell no! DC would never let me escape that hospital room under any circumstances!"

Russia eyed him, "Then how did you slip out and what are you here for?"

The state noticed Russia's tense state and remarked, "You'd think someone in love with my Dad would trust his kids more."

"You're avoiding the question."

The state shrugged, "I asked for Washington to make a distraction so I could slip out and talk to you," The state looked at Russia's flag and then at Russia's ushanka with a sorrowful smile, "I'm going to take a guess and say that you aren't the Russia I knew, though. Your flag is the same as his was when we first met, but you aren't the same person. I can just tell."

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