Ch 36: A Nightmare \ The Deal

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Buzz Buzz

China looked outside through his window, looking down at the bustling city. Seeing New York was always his favorite part of these stupid meetings. Though it didn't compare in the slightest, seeing the bustling city below him always reminded him of his own home. Not to mention, he always loved watching things happen before him. He doesn't love being in action himself, but seeing others go about their day, fight with each other, or even watching someone do absolutely nothing gave China a sense of peace no one he knew could understand. Call him a creep, a watcher, or a stalker, but watching normal people bustling about on the streets will always be China's favorite part of the day.

Buzz Buzz

China sighed. Could his phone shut up? He was busy right now. Well, technically he wasn't, but this was the most peaceful part of his day, and he'd rather not waste it.

Buzz Buzz

Growing irritated, China pulled out his phone. He was half tempted to chuck it across the room before remembering that it might be something serious. He had three unread messages. Opening up his messaging app, China saw that they were from Cuba. His irritation being replaced by curiosity, China read Cuba's messages.

As he read, China's curiosity only spiked more. Well, he couldn't wait now. China clicked on his calling app, reckoning it would be better for everyone if he took a few choice calls.

Today was turning out to be very interesting...


"Well, this is turning out to be just swell," Confederate muttered.

Puerto Rico laughed to himself, "I don't know about you, but watching Iran ignore you was actually kinda funny."

Confederate's lip twitched, "Funny to you, not so much to me."

Confederate then stopped in front of a door, "Here we go, room 1586," Confederate clicked the small button to the right of the door, and a faint doorbell sound could be heard from inside the hotel suite. A few seconds later, the door opened to China, who was smiling.

"Come in," China motioned them inside and turned around, heading back to his window while saying, "And here I thought you'd be quicker."

Puerto Rico became confused, "What do you mean by that?"

"It's simple. Cuba messaged me about you two, so I did you a favor and called over everyone you were planning on allying yourself with, along with a few extras," China reached down and rotated a small tray with a teapot and a few teacups, "I also made tea."

Confederate walked inside, casting an uninterested glance at the tea before looking around the room, seeing North Korea, Iran, and Palestine. Huh, so this is why Iran was in such a hurry that he ignored the two people waiting outside his door. Due to the look on Iran's face, it doesn't even seem that Iran remembered them. Puerto Rico followed after Confederate, eyeing the tea before smiling, grabbing a cup, and sitting down on the only empty chair left.

China started, "I've heard of the basics of your plan already, but please, enlighten all of us on what you're trying to do."

Confederate, eyeing the room and clearing his throat, stated, "Well, it's simple. I'm trying to take down America and take everything he once had," A grin appeared on his face. "Or, well, take down whatever's left of him, anyway.

"And, I'm asking for your help to help me do the deed."

Iran butted in, "What do you mean by 'whatever's left of him?'"

Confederate blinked before laughing, "They haven't told you yet?! Ha! Someone's good at keeping secrets." Calming himself down, Confederate elaborated, "To put it simply, America's union isn't so united anymore. AKA, I broke his union apart."

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