Sooo this has been written and unfinished for three months. I added a bit each month for like ten minutes. I just never have time. And when I do I spend it with family. I sowwy but the ideas have been flowing and I didn't forget about y'all. Also idk why I'm surprised like I'm a hard core procrastinator and I'm lazy af
Word count: 3200+



"My family is a very loving and overbearing one. And huge might I add. Haha. Six siblings, yay. They've been very supportive of my life choices and the things I want to pursue though, with me being the oldest. Of course on Thanksgiving the same question any family asks about comes up, relationships and marriage. My mother and grandmother just love interfere with that aspect of my life but other than that, they're perfect. They have my back and would do anything for me, and vice versa. But I don't call them as much as I should if I'm being honest,"

"So, you like secrets. You have secrets. You keep a lot to yourself I presume? Being the oldest means setting the example and you don't show a lot of your wrongs, do you now? Based on what I've learned and observed about you I can confidently say that you don't like to disappoint,"


"I guess so. The pressure was always on to be great and only great like any other older sibling in any family. What about you? You have any brothers or sisters, or just an only child?"

"Well, I get away with everything. Never got caught once,"

"Until now," Zayn mumbled again.

"You think I was caught? Ha ha ha ha," the Joker opened his eyes slowly after releasing his deep laugh and licked his lips.

"Dumb shit,"

"Maybe we could stop with the name calling, it's getting s nowhere," Louis rushed out and scooted his chair closer towards the table.

"So, whenever you got in trouble you blamed it on an older brother, or sister perhaps?"

Mr. J glanced at the brown haired man and smirked.

"So beautiful. It's a shame we met under these circumstances. I would've loved to get to know you over fine steak and lobster with a bottle of red. Then ending the night by getting to know you under me,"

Louis shook his head and frowned.

"Mr. J-"

"Oh sorry, you'd rather be over me? That's a cute idea, but do you really think you'd be over me unless you were riding?"

Louis got even more flustered at the detailed thoughts of this man and closed his eyes.

"Maybe we should continue this later today or early tomorrow. I think we've got our first impressions and could use the break to think over what's been discussed," Louis whispered and got up to gather his small back and notebook paper.

"Oh, I know you will," the large man spoke. Even sitting in his chair made him look powerful and Louis feel small under his gaze.

He couldn't figure out if he liked it or not. Not that he would but he couldn't figure out why it bothered him and gave him the nerves he currently had coursing through him.

The comment was ignored by both Zayn and Louis as they walked out towards the door. Just when Zayn knocked four times on the door signaling the session was over, Louis felt a large hand grip his thigh. He held his breath when he heard the deep and surprisingly soothing voice whisper something into his ear.

What he said made him shiver but the educated part of his brain told him it was his form of manipulation. He knew nothing. How could he? He doesn't know anything.

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