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Word count: 2731
Niall is struggling.

He pants so hard that his lungs feel like they could fall out of his ass.

His arms are so tired they may as well fall to the ends of the earth and down into a deep hole. His calves and thighs were seconds away from giving out as he fumbled with his keys.

The elevator was under construction, so he had to carry 100 pounds worth of Louis' favorite foods, plus a giant pizza box from Falco's Pizza.

When he finally turns the key and tumbles in. Niall falls but turns his body so he could hold the glass drinks and have the pizza land on his chest. He refused to let his hard work go to waste, or his money for that matter. You don't make much as a college student.

Louis peaks back from behind the couch, in the same spot he's at been all day, then slowly turned back around with a blank expression.

Niall hid his scoff, and carefully got up to set everything down on the kitchen counter. Even though everything in the bags were practically junk, they needed to restock their small fridge and cabinets anyway.

"I got all your favorite food," Niall said loudly enough for Louis to hear while putting things away.

"Since I don't know what type of mood you're in out of all the ones I know, and this is new, I got everything you love. Red bananas with Nutella, noodles, oreos and peanut butter, pickles, spicy pickles, chocolate crackers and black cherry cream cheese, pepperoncini peppers, Cinnabon cereal, Eggo cereal, Twix, Oreo Klondike bars, 100Grand, KitKats, the whole shabang," Niall only named half the things from the top of his head.

"Oh, and this lovely spicy chicken, red and green pepper, mushroom pizza. I got jalapeños on the side so you can put how much you want on it like you like,"

When Niall finished putting things away with an aching back, he sighed and walked over to Louis with a half sad half concerned face. His best mate has never been like this before, it scared him not knowing how to fix him.

"It's from Falco's,"he tried and that's when Louis jumped up.

Niall grinned to himself and thought that he had done something right. He was wrong.

Louis ran towards the door to lock it in a panic, breathing deep. In his heart, he felt as if those men were waiting for him to just walk out, so they can take him. Only to make him feel so small and useless again. In his mind though, he knew that they were long gone, not going to risk their current free lives. From what he could gather in those moments that seemed so long, but also happened so fast, was that they weren't obsessive. They didn't have a fixation that would last months to a year maybe. They wanted something quick so they could flee.

He knew it would happen once, though he couldn't help the paranoia that crept up on him whenever he passed the front door. He couldn't help paranoia he felt when he looked at the clock everyday at anytime from midnight to the AM. He also couldn't help the paranoia when the thought of feeling the cool spring breeze on his skin sending chills down his spine, feeling the sun heat up his cheeks, or even the split second of blinking. Taking his eyes away from the world was almost too much for him to handle. It was all too long in Louis' opinion to not be alert. He refused to blink. That is until he has to.

It was silent for a while, and then out of nowhere, Louis screams. It's ear piercing, lasting about 10 long seconds before he gives out and gasps. He slowly backed away blinking harshly to get himself to calm down.

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