You Work

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At this time Izuku was in the nurses his brothers by his bed and Bakugo as well. He slowly flutter his eyes open.

"Huh" he said as he sat up, "You damn idiot" Zack said "What happened" Izuku asked looking at his brothers ad bakugo.

"What happened is you lied about taking your medicine. What the hell Izu" Akito said "I don't get it you scold him but he's immortal right. You said it won't affect him" Bakugo said "You're right about that but he still fills pain" Akito said. "Oh" Bakugo said.

"Ok ok I'm sorry" Izuku said "Oh no sorry not saving you now" Akito said going into older brother mode. "He's doom" Kace said.

(After 30 minutes of being scolded)

"Dude I think you killed him" Zack said looking at Izuku like his soul left his chest. Then the lunch bell rung.

"Alright come on its time for lunch" Bakugo said getting up. The brothers went back to their stones. Bakugo helped Izuku up "You know you really are a dumbass" Bakugo said "Oh no are you gonna scold me two and one question" Izuku said "Yeah" Bakugo asked "How did I get in my uniform" Izuku asked.

"Oh Zack changed you" Bakugo said "Oh" Izuku said, they had made it to the lunch room and opened the door. Peoples eyes were on them or more like Izuku.

Then class 1-A ran up to them "Midoryia are you ok" Iida asked "Yes yes. I just forgot to take my medicine" Izuku said "Yeah 'forgot'" Bakugo said "Kacchan so mean" Izuku pouted.

They walked to the table some of class 1-A were sitting at. "You know you scared the heck out of us" Sero said "I'm sorry guys. Please forgive me." Izuku said with a small apologetic smile that made them all blush "I...It's ok" Denki said looking away.

"Who's that guy he's pretty hot" they herd someone from behind them say "Yeah he looks like a prince." Another girl said "Ohh Deku you got more fan girls" Bakugo said "Kacchan please don't say that" Izuku whined.

"Huh what's wrong" Kirishima asked "In junior high he got confession letters left and right. From both boys and girls. He was name the prince of the school" Bakugo said in a teasing tone "Please stop Kacchan" Izuku begged.

"Wow you where really popular kero" Tsuyu said "I guess you can say that" Izuku said "So does that mean-" Kirishima was cut off by two girls walking up to the table.

One had long silky black hair and the other had long blue hair. "Umm Hi" the black hair one said "Hey" they said back.

"I'm just wanted to say tha...that your r...really c...cute" the black hair girl said looking at Izuku, which he gave a princely smile in return "Thank you very much. You're quite the cutie yourself" Izuku said making the girl blush.

"Uhh Ummm tha...thank" she said then both girls left "It's starting again" Bakugo said "Kacchan please" Izuku begged "What just happened" Kirishima said "Well clearly Deku has more fan girls. " Bakugo said

Then suddenly the intruder alarm went off making everyone panic and run. "Zack flying would be nice" Izuku said 'Alright' Zack said back.

Sudden Izuku started flying up. He looked out the window to see a lot of reporters. 'I see' Izuku thought. He flew near the exit.

"EVERYONE CLAM DOWN THE REPORTERS JUST GOT BEYOND THE SECURITY. IT'S OK" Izuku shouted and everyone looked outside to see he was right.

They stopped panicking and began walking normally. Izuku flew down to the floor where Iida and Ochako met him. "Woah that was smart" Ochako said "Thank you" Izuku said

(Time Skip)

Everyone was leaving school. Izuku's brothers came out when they were outside the gate. Then Denki, Kirishima,Mina,Sero,Tsuyu,Iida,Ochako,and Bakugo came up to them. "Hey Midoryia you wanna hand out" Kirishima asked.

"Sorry can't we have work today" Izuku said "What you work" Denki asked "Isn't that against school rules" Iida asked "Don't worry they know I work. Also we own a cafe." Kace said.

"What really can we come" Mina asked "As long as you're paying customers" Akito said "Alright" Sero said.

They made their way to the cafe once they made it the group awed "It's so pretty" Ochako said "I'm sorry guys but you'll have to wait outside till we open up which will be in a little bit." Izuku said. They nodded and went outside.

Then they started seeing people line up behind them. After a couple of minutes the doors open. The group along with some of the people from the line came in. "Welcome back Young Miss Young Master" they said doing a 90 degree bow with their right hand across their chest and their left hand behind their back.

The group was shocked. They went to a table that fit all of them. When Kace walked up to them "Ok guys what'd you want" he said in a happy tone.

"Can I get the strawberry shortcake." Ochako asked, Kace nodded and wrote it down "Can I get the Ice cream swirl" Sero asked.

(After getting all their orders)

The group watched how they work. They eyes landed on Izuku who was talking to a customer they could hear the conversation.

"So young miss what will you like today" Izuku asked "Umm can I get the Mochi Ice Cream" the girl said with a blush "Yes young miss" Izuku said before walking away.

(Time Skip)

After the group got their food and ate it the cafe was about to close. beside them their was a girl left. "Umm Izuku" the girl said "Yes young miss" Izuku said "Can you go out with me" she asked.

The group was shocked "Yes I will." The group was even more shock "If you answer this question right" Izuku said "Ok" the girl said hopeful "What's my favorite season" Izuku asked.

"Ummm Summer" she said, Izuku shook his head no "It's Winter I'm afraid" Izuku said "Huh" the girl said looking down about to cry.

Izuku walked up to her and lifted her chin. "Winter, the snow is a pure white and it decorates the world in it's pureness. Everyone seems more at pace and joyful during winter. Winter is like a wonderful wonderland. It's a beautiful site as beautiful as you. Don't give up. Who know someone might be waiting for you. So don't cry" Izuku said wiping away the tears on the girl face.

He removed his hand and the girl said bye and left with a smile. "Woah" Kirishima said "That's our Izu" Zack said "For the love of. How the hell did you do that. How do you reject someone without breaking their heart and actually make them better" Denki said

"Their's nothing to be broke. In order to truly like someone you've got to know them. She didn't know me she just knew my looks." Izuku said "Alright guys we have to close up so if you're not gonna help then leave" Zane said rather coldly.

"We'll help." Mina said the girls nodded, along with the guys. After they cleaned everything they all went home. And somehow they all managed to fall for Izuku more.

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