Hide and Seek/ Cafe

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Izuku POV

While I was drawing Kacchan came over and sat across from me "So Deku do they have to stay in that stone" Kacchan asked "No. They only go in their stone when I have to go to school" I said.

"Well can't you like command them to do things" Kacchan asked "I don't know but even if I could I wouldn't" I said looking at him "Why not their you power" Kacchan said "No their my family" I said back.

"Why wouldn't you want to command them. Their like servants" Kacchan said which made me really mad "No their not. The are people and they have feelings and to treat them like servants would be wrong. Their my family so I'll treat them like family. I love them and would never hurt them" I yelled at him and to say he was shocked would be a understatement.

Kace POV

I don't think we told him when we're in our stones we can hear him and his conversations. Also we can connect with each other.

"Awww. He's so pure" I said "Yeah who would have thought he say that" Zack said "He's going to be a great hero" Akito said "I don't like that Kacchan boy" Zane said "Yeah" Reid agreed

"Well that doesn't matter. All that matter is he said he loves us" I said tears coming out my eyes "Are you crying. Jeez you're such a baby" Zack said

"Am not" I said "Are to" Zack said back "am not" "are to" "am not" "are to"

"Akito their at it again" Zane said "It's best to just leave them be" Akito said "But their annoying" Reid said in a monotone voice. "Shut the hell up sloth" Zack said "What did you just call me" Reid asked with a tic mark.

"I said shut the hell up sloth" Zack said "You're one to talk you lazy slug" Reid said "I DARE YOU TO SAY THAT AGAIN" Zack yelled

"Their giving me a headache" Zane said rubbing his temples "Just let them be" Akito said

Izuku's POV

After the shock was over Kacchan stared at me "Now do you want to go play" I asked he just nodded. We both got up and went towards the toys.

"Alright children it's time for recess" The teacher said. We all went outside to the play ground. I went towards my teacher "Ms.Fujioka can my brothers come out and play with me on the play ground." I asked "Mmm sure now go have fun" Ms.Fujioka said.

I ran outside to the play ground "I don't know if you guys can hear me but Ms.Fujioka said that you can come out and play with me till recess is over" I said hoping they can hear me.

Then a light flashed and all my brothers were in front of me "Herd you loud and clear" Kace said.

"Yay" I cheered "so what do you want to play" Zack asked "how about hide and seek" I asked "yeah that sounds fun" Kace said.

"Umm Re can I get on your shoulder" I asked he nodded then picked me up and put me on his shoulder.

"Hey Deku" I herd Kacchan yell I looked down to see him and his group "yeah Kacchan" I asked "I was was wondering if we could play to" Kacchan asked

"I don't know. Guys can Kacchan play to" I asked my brothers "As long as he's not mean or tries to hurt then yes he can play" Akito said

"Aki said if you don't hurt me or be mean to me then you can play" I said still sitting on Reid shoulder "Ok" Kacchan said

Then another group of kids came up "can we play to" They asked. I looked at my brothers and they nodded. "Alright so who's going to be it." Kacchan asked

"My brothers" I said "Huh" they asked back "well we're kids and you have a better chance at finding us" I explain.
"I'm down" Kace said in a cheery voice

Izuku's Guardians Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon