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Izuku's POV

It was eight o'clock and I was getting tired. I started yawning "Tired" Zack ask I nodded. He picked me up and cradled me in his arms. "Where's your room" he asked I pointed up stares.

He went up stairs with Kace tagging behind him. I pointed to my door which had All Might on it. He opened my door. He opened it and went to my All Might themed bed and tucked me in it.

"Their are six bedrooms in this house. One is my mom so please leave it alone" I said "Alright kid. Now go to sleep" Zack said "Night" Kace said "Goodnight" I said letting darkness consume me.

Kace POV

We watched as Izuku fell asleep. "He is so pure" I said "yeah." Zack said. We walked of his room and back down stairs. "Alright he said there are six rooms. But he asked us to not touch his mother room" Zack said.

"Alright but I want to clean this house first it looks a mess" Reid said. "Do you think we should have told him he's sort of immortal." I asked

"Yeah maybe when he's older" Akito said. Then I jumped on Zack's back "What the hell Kace get off me" he said/shouted "Shut it loud mouth or you might make Izuku up" Zane said

"What the hell you call me" Zack shouted at Zane. I was still on his back  "Kace get off my back" Zack said "Finnne" I said getting off his back.

"So what are we going to do" Akito asked "What do you mean" I asked tilting my head to the side "Well we have to take care of him and ourselves. So we're going to need money" Akito said.

"How about we open a cafe" Reid said "That's not a bad ideal. We can go look for a place to buy tomorrow when Izuku out of school." Akito said

"Done. That was a lot of work but I already chose my room so i'm going to sleep." Reid said "We should too" I said.

We got up and choses our rooms. In each room had a bed already and thanks to Reid was clean. All we had to do was decorate them. I got in the bed after changing my cloths with a little magic. Then went to sleep.

(Time Skip Morning Izuku POV)

I woke at the sound of my alarm. "How did I end up in bed" I asked myself. Then everything from the previous day came back.

"Was that all a dream" I asked myself. I touched my neck to feel something around it. "I guess not" I said "That means momma dead but also I got a new family" I told myself.

I got out of bed and looked at the clock. It was 7:30 'daycare doesn't start till 8:00.' I went to go get in the tub but I was too short to reach the knob.

So I left my bathroom and went to my door and opened it. I walked down stairs to find Reid on the couch watching TV.

"Reid?" I asked that's when he notice I was in the room "Yeah Izuku" Reid said "Can you help me. I can't turn the nob in the bathtub" I said he nodded and got up.

I lead him to my room. Once we got in my room he went in my bathroom and. Turned the nob. He put his hand in the water I'm guessing to make sure it was not to hot or too cold.

After a minute he turned the nob to stop all the water. "Alright there you go. Need anything else." Reid asked "No. thank you Re" I said "Huh" Reid asked "Re it's your nickname. Do you like it" I asked nervous of his answer "Yeah. I love it" he said.

Then he left the bathroom and I got in the tub. After I got out I drained the water and put on my cloths.

When I got out the bathroom i grabbed my shoes and put them on then I grabbed my All Might backpack. Then I went down stairs.

When I got down stairs the rest of my brothers were awake "Morning" I said "Morning" they said back. I looked at the time and it was 7:50.

"Oh no I'm going to be late" I said "Oh yeah you have school well then let's go" Akito said. We went out the door and Reid locked the door after I gave him the key.

We made it to my school 15 mins later. "Alright kid. We'll be in our stones. Just so you know you don't have to summon use for us to come out we can come out on our own ok" Zack said I nodded.

Then they all went into their stones. I walked in the daycare and went to my classroom. Once I made it I opened the the door and saw all the kids playing but that stopped once I walked in.

"Sorry for being late" I said to the teacher. "It's ok" the teacher said "Deku" I herd a shout. I turned my head to see Kacchan. "Oh hey Kacchan" I said

"Where the hell where you" he yelled "I was at home and woke up a little late" I said stepping back a little. "Tsk damn nerd" Kacchan said.

"Anyway did you get your quirk" Kacchan asked "Oh well I don't have a quirk but.." I was cut off by Kacchan "WAIT SO YOU'RE QUIRKLESS" Kacchan yelled for everyone to hear

"Wait..." I was once a again cut off by Kacchan "Wow now you really are a useless nobody" Kacchan said then pushed me. I thought I was going to fall but two hands caught me.

"Gotcha" I herd Kace voice. I looked up and he was behind me. He put me back on my two feet. "You ok kid" I looked forward to see Zack,Akito,Zane,and Reid in front of me.

"W..what the" I herd Kacchan say. "Next time you push or even decided to hurt Izuku I'll kill you" Zane said "Guys I'm ok" I said they turned back to me.

"Oh Izuku who are these young men" my teacher asked "Their my brothers. But their also my power. I don't have a quirk but I have them and I can use their power but I call them my family" I said with a smile.

"Are you sure you're ok Izu" Kace asked I nodded. "Alright we'll go back in our stones" Akito said then they all went back in their stones. The hole class looked at me.

"What was that" Kacchan ask. "My family" I said back with a smile then went to my table and began to draw.

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