Opening The Cafe

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As the morning sun shined down a certain fluff of green started to wake up. "*Yawn*" the little one yawned. He rubbed his eyes. He sat up and notice that Zack wasn't there.

He climbed out of the bed and went down stairs. In the middle of the stairs  he smelled food. So he let us nose guide him.

Once he made it to the source of the smell he saw Akito cooking while the rest of his brothers were in the living room watching tv.

"What are you making" I asked he jumped a little and looked down "Oh Izu I didn't know you came down. And to answer your question I'm making Pancakes. Now go wait till I'm done" Akito said.

"Ok" Izuku said going in the living room where the rest of his brothers are. Kace was the first to noticed him "Morning Zuzu" Kace said "Morning Kac" he said "Morning Zu/Izu" the rest of his brothers said "Morning" Izuku said back sitting on the couch.

Izuku POV

After a couple of minutes Akito called us in to eat breakfast. Once we were done with that Akito said we have to go shopping for food for our cafe.

So everyone got up and got dressed. Once we were done with that we left the house and of course we locked the door.

We went to a nearby mall that was close to the house. "Ok so we still have 1000 dollars left so everyone gets 200 and buy ingredients and some decorations." Akita's said "Alright I'll take Izu" Kace cheerfully said picking me up.

"Alright be careful idiot" Zac said. "I also take it your just going to buy decorations" Zane asked "Yep" Kac said "Alright then we'll buy food" Akito said. "Ok" Kac said,We all walked different ways. "Alright Izu we're handling the design. So let's buy some cute decorations"

(Time Skip after shopping)

We were heading towards the cafe now. "you guy didn't buy that much" Rei said "Well because the cafe already looks great so we didn't really need much." Kac said.

Once we made it Akito asked me to open the door since I'm the only one without bags. I nodded and grab the key he held out with a finger.

I opened the door and held as they walked in. When everyone got in I closed the door.

They put the bags on the counter "Alright let's set everything up." Reid said. Everyone nodded and got to work.

Akito and Reid were cooking, while Kac,and Zack were decorating and Zane and I just watching them.

Once they finished Zane and I helped put everything in place. "Now....Done all we have to do now is decided what's the them" Akito said

"How about we let Izu pick" Kac said they all looked at me, my face grew red out of  embarrassment "u..umm how about a butler cafe" I said.

"Sounds good" Akito said "Zu I love you but there's no way in hell i'm wearing a butler outfit" Zac said "yes you are" Kac said "no I'm not" Zac said

(20 mins later)

"I can't believe I'm wearing a butler outfit" Zac said with a tic mark on his temple."i think you look really cool" I said.

"Alright everyone get in places I'm about to flip the sign to open" Akito said. When I looked outside I saw a line of people. Akito flip the sign to open and opened the door.

People started coming in we did a half bow "Welcome Miss and Misters to our butler cafe." We said. Kac,Rei,and Zac were waiters so they helped people to their seats. Akito and Zane were behind the counter.

"Wow this place is quite lovely" a lady said "Izu" Kac said "Yeah" I responded "well these two ladies want a number seven so how should I say this" he asked with a smile and a wink.

I smile and walked up to the two ladies they looked at me and I blushed a little but gave them a nick smile "two cutesy cutesy rice omelettes coming up" I said "Oh my he's so cute" one of the girl said.

(Time Skip)

It was time to closes up and only two people were left but they were about to leave. We gave a half bow as they were going to go "Thank you for come please come again young Miss and Young Mister" we said they nodded and left.

I went to one of the benches and laid down and went to sleep.


Akito flip the sign to close "Finally" Zack said as he sat down. "So Zu..." Zane trailed off as he was looking down at where Izuku was "Where's Zu" Zane asked they looked around and Kac saw him on the bench asleep "He's right there asleep" Kac said.

"Aww must have been tired" Kac said "No shit Sherlock otherwise he wouldn't have gone to sleep" Zack said
"That's so mean" Kac said puffing out his cheeks.

"Shut it you two. Let's clean up so we can go home." Reid said clearly annoyed. They cleaned up the cafe then grabbed Izu. They locked the cafe and went home.

As soon as they got home. They had to wake Izuku up for his bath after his bath they put him to bed. Once he was in bed they all took their baths and went to bed themselves.

And another day ends for the small family.

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