Before she knew it she was happily walking to the mall where they were supposed to meet up. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest, she put a hand there to calm herself down, but it only became worse as the minutes passed by.

A head of blonde hair came through the small crowd, hands in the pockets of his baggy pants.

She smiled when he nodded his head at her, "You're late" She said.

"I'm right on time actually. You were just thirty minutes early" He laughed.

Her eyes playfully rolled.

"So where exactly are we going? I don't mind shopping but I figured you wouldn't like that"

"Just shut up and follow me" He smirked.

His calloused hand grabbed onto her hand, fingers latching as he pulled her along to wherever the hell she was being dragged.

They stopped in front of a small boba cafe, her cute smile grew even more. "But you hate boba..?" She questioned, raising a brow.

"Yeah, but you like it, right?"

They walked in, hands still intertwined. She slowly panicked at the thought of having to speak up and order for herself, she nervously clawed at the hem of her top.

Katsuki looked down and noticed the distress on her face, he leaned down a little, "I'll order for you, what do you want?"

She felt a wave of relief, "(Favorite flavor) milk tea please and thank you"

When it was their turn to order he got her the drink and just got a soda for himself, he politely tipped the woman at the front and cringed at her not-so-subtle flirting. Y/n mumbled something under her breath as they walked out of the store.

"What? Jealous?" He joked.

She felt her face grow warm, she huffed and looked the other way, sipping on her boba.

"Can I chose where we go next?"

His face was reluctant but he gave in to her puppy eyes, "Fine, but I get to pick after"

For the next hour or two, Katsuki was dragged around the mall, helping Y/n pick out little trinkets for her room or some clothes that caught her eye. She even forced him to go bra shopping with her, finding it hilarious how red his ears became.

"What the hell is so funny?!" He shouted in embarrassment while she struggled to keep her laughter in.

"Nothing, nothing. Let's just keep shopping"

He pulled her back, "I'm picking this time"

Without warning he dragged her yet again, they were leaving the mall and walking to god knows where.

She slowly began to realize where they were headed. Flowers and plants of all colors decorating the outside, almost completely covering the glass windows. He pushed open the cherrywood door, letting her walk in first.

Her wide eyes looked around the room, a rainbow of tones and hues.

"Its so pretty, Katsuki!" She exclaimed, he couldn't help but smile at her outburst.

"We haven't even gotten there yet" He scoffed.

Following his lead, they walked out through a door in the back of the shop. The sights getting more and more beautiful as she put one foot in front of the other.

"Wow..this is.." Rendered speechless, she reached out to softly touch a branch.

The dirt pathways, the trees that hung over them, providing just the right mix of cooling shade and gentle light. There were bushes and flowers along the path, which looked to go on forever, but in reality couldn't have been any longer than a couple yards.

"You like it?" He asked, his voice almost fragile, like the wrong answer would shatter glass. It was almost unlike him.

"Katsuki I love it!" She exclaimed, cheesing.

She bent down to smell the flowers (she had not the slightest idea of what they were called). Hands on her legs, she closed her eyes and embraced the warmth around her. It felt like she was away from the city, away from her problems. Just her, nature, and one of her best friends by her side.

Experiencing what could almost be called pure bliss.


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


A/N: i put the first art scene! (excuse the last minute signature) and no that's not me lolol, that's just how i imagine her. it also explains why i never write things describing the readers hair type, skin, etc. i won't specify things like that so everyone of all sizes and colors can feel like reader ^^

because of that i was thinking if any of y'all have oc's you use for this story, or if you just imagine yourself, i'd be happy to draw them in art scenes from now on! just comment a little description and i'll randomly pick!

lolol sorry this A/N is really long, but ty for reading <3

cotton candy girl || k.  bakugoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن