The bright sunny morning fit her mood perfectly. She waved and flashed a small smile at her elderly neighbors, they were kind women, gardening together every morning with their cats, it gave Y/N an even happier start to her day.
She felt her mind drift, there was a certain person that was on her mind more recently. He wrapped around her thoughts like smooth lace, making her heart thump.
"You look happy this morning"
She almost shouted in surprise, Izuku walking up on the poor unsuspecting girl.
"Izuku! Don't just walk up on me with no warning" She playfully laughed.
He immediately showed regret on his face, thinking how it was quite inconsiderate to walk up on someone who'd just been kidnapped two weeks prior. He started to rapidly apologize, she laughed him off, saying it wasn't that big of a deal.
"Just warn me next time"
He nodded gingerly while holding onto the straps of his cute backpack.
"Hey Y/N? You've kind of changed these past few months"
"Like in bad way?" She frowned but kept walking.
"No! No not at all. What I mean is that you're more...brave now? If that's the right word.. Like you stand up for yourself more, you hardly stutter, and overall you just look more, confident I guess?" He rambled, his words gave her a feeling of satisfactory that she definitely loved.
But for some reason his compliments didn't have the same effect as Katsuki's did. One felt nice to hear, while the other made her heart flutter.
"Oh, well thank you, I can't say I noticed any changes but if you think so" She smiled at him.
His face faltered for a split second, an emotion she couldn't put her finger on. She did know however that it looked awfully close to the face she used to look at him with.
"So, Izuku-"
He cut her off, "Is that Uraraka? Why is she talking to Kacchan" He said, worried confusion in his voice.
Y/N whipped her head around faster than she'd like to think. And was almost disgusted by what she was seeing. Ochaco was all over him, hands on his chest, leaning against his broad frame. She was speaking but the words hadn't processed through Y/N's mind, all she saw was the way Ochaco was fluttering her lashes.
She hated it.
"Uh- Katsuki are you alright?" Y/N asked.
While she was upset that Ochaco was flirting, she was worried by the look on Katsuki's face. She'd hardly ever seen him so uncomfortable.
Before Katsuki had the chance to respond, Ochaco glanced over at Y/N, and flashed a venomous smile on her round, normally friendly face. She leaned up and kissed him.
Y/N figured Izuku would be shocked, but if he was, she wouldn't have noticed. Because before she realized, her palm was across the girls face.
"Holy crap!" A student on the sidelines yelled.
"This is getting messy~.." A recognizable feminine voice drawled.
Y/N glared down at her, and had to stop herself from causing even more of a scene.
"Ochaco.. I've tried being friends with you, I've never been anything less than polite, I even sat aside while you dated the boy you knew that I liked. So I wanna' know what the hell is your problem?" Y/N shouted.
The crowd around them got bigger by the second, unnoticed by Y/N, who was currently in a full fledge adrenaline rush.
Ochaco's face flushed in embarrassment. She looked around at the crowd of shocked and laughing students. "I'll..I'll get my hands on you again Y/N, just watch" She barked at an attempt of a threat.
Y/N kept her head high, and her expression strong.
Katsuki roughly grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of there. A teacher was sure to arrive at any time, and they needed to make a quick escape.
After some walking, and when the coast was clear. He finally made eye contact.
"What the hell was that?" He asked in a quiet but urgent tone, eyebrows furrowed.
When she fumbled over her words and didn't answer immediately, he spoke up.
"Why does it seem like I'm the one pulling you out of all the mess you put yourself in?" His voice more relaxed. He sighed.
She realized he wasn't actually mad, and couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter. Katsuki rolled his eyes, pretending he was tired of the girl, but in reality he was happy to see her not only stick up for herself, but smile too.
"You know you're in deep shit if any of the teachers saw you" He chuckled.
"Oh my god- I didn't even think of that, I was just so mad. And if my mom founds out she'll kill me, literally" Y/n panicked, biting her lip.
Katsuki paused felt a small ping of realization, the question on his mind, was he the spark that caused Y/N to snap? Why would Ochaco kissing him make the girl so unbelievably angry? He felt his heart race in anticipation. He could ask her, right here, right now. He imagined what she would say in response, "I was jealous" or possibly something along those lines.
"Earth to Katsuki! We're gonna' be so late if we don't start heading to class" She looked at him, eyebrow lifted with a curious smile on her face.
He blinked himself out of his daze.
"You're the reason we'll be late, dumbass"
She snickered and walked ahead of him. He stared into the back of her head, wondering what it'd feel like to hold onto those soft locks.
A boy could only dream.

cotton candy girl || k. bakugo
Fanfiction𖤐˒˒ongoing, currently editing 𖤐˒˒ her love was sweet and fluffy like cotton candy. in which katsuki finds himself falling in love with his best friend; who by no means loves him back (yet) ~~ katsuki x female reader, hope you all enjoy