{Afterwards} - Life Ruiner

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author's note: I miss these guys so much some days, so I made a little one-shot of life after the end of Flashes.

You were tired.

You were touched out.

You just wanted a nap and a giant glass of wine.

Hell, even a couple shots of tequila would have been wonderful.

You had just gotten the twins down for the night after the battle of bath time and JJ demanding that you help her play with the make-up you hadn't worn in well over eight months when you heard the front door creak open. Bless your husband to know that had he been any louder than a mouse fart, you would have lost it completely on the man.

It was a little after nine in the evening when your husband strolled in from one of his final days of filming. His face looked scruffier than you were used to and his eyes looked like he needed a weekend of sleep. While you knew this process was taxing on Jensen - you also envied that he had the ability to leave the house without a small child attached to his hip. Let alone, when the time came to it, he was the one that got to sleep in on days off. Although, that was also because you were still breastfeeding the twins and luckily for your husband, he had the most useless nipples to grace the earth.

"Hey," he whispered towards you as the door sealed shut softly behind you.

Waiting until you were a couple of steps away from the room of silent chaos, you shot a glare at Jensen. "Oh, hello Life Ruiner."

A smile tugged at his lips while he shook his head, following you into the kitchen where the mess of dishes from the day awaited you. "Calm down," he said, his tone anything less than playful as he crept up behind where you were now standing at the sink. "You're life doesn't look that ruined to me."

You didn't bother to look over at him as you flipped the faucet on, watching the water cascade over the dishes and silently wishing they could just rinse themselves and put them in the dishwasher. "Yeah, well, these last few weeks have been hell."

His boots moved softly against the wooden floors until you felt the brush of his hand against the back of your neck as he swept some stray hairs, the mess of your mom bun, away. "I know it has, babygirl."

Despite how you felt, that nickname sent goosebumps racing across your skin. "No," you shook your head a sudden wave of emotions washing over you. "No, you don't know."

His hand moved to your shoulder now as he recognized that crack in your voice, forcing you to turn away from the sink and towards him. Green eyes searched your face as you fought back the tears that threatened to overflow.

"Then tell me."

If only it was that simple.

You shook your head once more at him. "It's just," you sighed, glancing around at the beautiful house the two of you lived in; the memory of move-in day fresh in your mind - the plans, the places, how everything would have a home in this little paradise of yours. "It's just little things all add up on top of one another. I haven't showered in three days, let alone felt fresh air on my face unless it's chasing Zep back into the house."

Suddenly, word vomit continued. "Gen is always so busy. You're never home - we haven't even slept in the same bed for almost three months because of your schedule and the twins still getting up in the middle of the night." You were talking too fast, you knew you were probably making zero sense right now. "We live together, we've been married and I still miss you like hell."

A sob broke through your words. "I feel like a cow. Nothing fits me right anymore, I'm always a mess, just like this god damn house, I always want to cry and eat. God, do I always want ice cream. And cake."

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