Patricia looked less than happy with it all. 

"Now, I think Piper will be a real asset. To the school during her stay, So I'd like you all to give her a very warm welcome," he finished. 

Once school had finished, Victor rounded up the entire Anubis house, lining them up along the dining room table. It was then that Patricia stormed in, yelling at Piper about the rubbish music rooms before accusing her of trying to take over her life and school. Scarlett sighed. She didn't understand how Patricia felt, having no siblings, but she felt bad for her nonetheless. 

"Patricia, would you be kind enough to join us, please?" Victor questioned. "Piper, you are excused."

"Gustav Ziestack is visiting tomorrow, And we're throwing a dinner here in his honour, and I need volunteers for service," Vera told.

Nina raised her arm, sending pointed looks to Patricia, Scarlett and Amber. They all raised their hands.

"And entertainment," Vera added. 

"Uh, I play a little guitar," Fabian revealed. 

"Good. Good. Anyone else?" Vera asked. 

"Scarlett can sing," Amber blurted. 

Scarlett's eyes widened, "I'd rather just be a waitress, thanks."

"I can do magic," Alfie informed, taking the attention away from Scarlett, much to her delight. Everyone stared at him before he began doing a trick. "Yeah, Amber, what's that behind your ear?" He pulled a coin from behind her ear before he made it disappear. 

"Bravo," Vera laughed.

"Go Alfie," Scarlett cheered, clapping her hand. 

"Victor, perhaps Alfie should top the bill."

Victor agreed to Vera's suggestion. Anubis house began to disperse, Sibuna all going to Nina, Amber and Scarlett's room. 

"You do magic?" Amber questioned. 

"You're starting to regret breaking up with me now, aren't you?" Alfie replied. 

"Please, and FYI, you're welcome to Patricia number two," Amber retorted. 

"Alfie, you haven't done it in years. Remember that rabbit he tried to 'disappear' Before it bred out of control in Victor's rose garden?" Fabian voiced. 

"I did get Bilbo back, but I could never really be sure it was her," Alfie reminisced. 

"Guys, a table magician uses objects. From the audience, right? Right?" He asked. There were murmurs of agreement. "Yeah. I can just do the old.Disappearing amulet trick on Victor. Fabian, give me your watch."

Fabian began to argue before handing over his watch. 

"Why, thank you." Alfie began the magic trick, wrapping it up in a piece of fabric. He paused the trick, making Amber move to Nina's bed with everyone else. "Now watch. See? Now I've swapped it with the fake one. Now, the next bit is theatre." He took of his shoe and began hitting the fabric holding the watch, ignoring Fabian's pleas for him to stop.

"Relax. Relax. It's just magic. Observe." Alfie then pulled the fabric up, revealing a very broken watch. 

"My calculator watch," Fabian cried, picking up the broken pieces. 

"It was a calculator watch," Scarlett laughed. 

"I know I can do it. It's just a straight swap," he insisted. 

"Okay, Alfie, we're desperate here, so we'll let you do the disappearing act to the amulet, but no smashing," Nina agreed. 

"And practice," Fabian yelled. 

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