To Be His Forever..

Start from the beginning

Tripura- please next time, be aware of it..

Karan- yeah, ok tell me, how should I tell her about us..

Tripura- sorry, but I really have no any kind of idea, how to tell her about us..

Karan- then just find out it..

Tripura- hmm..

Karan- yes!

Tripura asked him with confusion- what!

Karan- your hmm's answer..

Tripura still with confusion- wait a minute, I really didn't get you..

Karan- you mean of hmm is, "hey marry me", so I just said yes, I'll marry you..

Tripura- it's not funny Karan..

Karan- look I know it's a big thing, but we can't keep ourselves all the time serious, right..

Tripura nodding in yes..

Karan- so can we complete our remaining balance work..

Tripura look him & ask him- what balance work, these is my house & I prefer not office work here..

Karan hold her arm & little move himself to her & says- I'm not talking about office work, I'm talking about balance kiss, & his face inches a part from her..


His hot breath touching her face, she lightly bite her lower lip in embarrassment, he come to close her & capture her lips in his, start to kiss her slowly, she too response to kiss with love, she hold his t-shirt's collar & pull him more in her give a access as much as possible to him..

Karan too lost himself in kissing, & their kiss turn to wild, for both of them a touch of making out is different & also it's long time gap, for Tripura, a man touch to her body it's more than eight years, & for Karan too, it's long time later he making out with his love after his ex wife's death..

They both lost themselves in their love, Karan move himself towards her collarbone, he started to sucking till it's turn pink, she too lost in his touch, her fingers started to play with his hair's, she leaves everything behind, she not feel guilty in their making out..

Karan move himself near her neck and start to nuzzles her, he pull her near him as much as he wants her near him..

Karan says in husky voice- I can't stop myself, if we go..

Tripura pull out from his grips & says- cut the crap of insecurities, that's it..

Karan- are you sure about it..

Tripura only nodded in yes, she entwined her fingers with him, & again they capture their lips..

They both came into the bedroom while kissing, Tripura almost pull out his t-shirt's from his body, they lying down bed with wild kissing, he pull out her night light pink t-shirt, & pull out his jeans, & up himself on her, she can feel his erection manh**d near her lower body, she give herself to him with happiness, because she can feel only love in his every touch, in between he gave a love bite on her shoulder, she bit wincing in pain but she enjoys bit of his every touch, he move little near her tummy, he kissed her on tummy, she little laughed, because butterflies tickles in her tummy, at the same time her fist grips going to hard on his hair, because he reached near her va***a she feel his lips near are there, she is on cloud nine, she enjoys his every bit way of love towards her, he comes again up near her face, & start to sucking her br**st, her hands runs all over his back, some times she give him scratches, because he give her much more than the pleasure, he look her once, she already lost herself in his loves, he adjust himself in between her legs, & lightly entered in, she bit for moment wincing in pain, but not that much when she had making out first time with her ex husband, Karan making things easier for her, he fully entered in, & comes to near her..

Karan says with husky voice- sorry without your permission, I entered in you..

Tripura open her eyes & says in lower tone- I love you, that thing matter the most..

Karan smile & give a deep kiss on her forehead, & started to room filled with their mones..

On a next morning, Tripura waking up from her deep slumber, she yawing hard, & she wants to stretching her arms but she found Karan hold her so tight in his arms, his half body on her, she look on his face a innocence, which very clearly shows on Nandi's face, she caressing his face with palm, & she lightly kiss on his head..

Tripura whispered near his ear- good morning..

Karan open his eyes with clearing his viwe, & faintly smile- morning, & he pull her in arms again near him..

Tripura- Karan it's morning, please let me go, I have an office today..

Karan- five minutes please, & he give light kiss near her neck..

Tripura feel his kiss with closing her eyes..

Suddenly Karan remember the thing, & he getting up from her, & realty hits him very much hard..

Tripura looks & she wrapped herself in duvet, & asked him worried tone- what happened!

Karan looks her with worried face & says- we making out with out any protection..

Tripura- I'll take a pills, why are so worried..

Karan- I'm worried because, pills never give 100% result..

Tripura- who's theory is these..

Karan- it happens with me once, that's why I'm worried..

Tripura- don't worry, I'll take pills, I'll not gonna be pregnant..

Karan- sure! Because I'm not sure about it..

Tripura- I'm 100% sure..

Karan- ok..

Tripura- ok, pass my t-shirt..

Karan pass her t-shirt & says- very soon you want to besides me at our house, with the tag of wife..

Tripura- first I need to meet Nandi, then you start to dreaming about us, & she up from the bed & hand over his clothes to him..

Karan thank her & says- should I drop you to your office..

Tripura- of course you are the one who gonna drop me to office today, because I'll gonna be a late today, it almost 8 in clock..

Karan with confusion tone- but Sunday today..

Tripura- I know it's Sunday today but I have three client meetings back to back, which are I cancelled, because of your absence..

Karan walks towards the washroom & says- do you have extra towel..

Tripura open the wardrobe & throw towel towards him & says- get ready fast..

Karan catch the towel & walks towards the Tripura with smile & say- why don't we shower together..

Tripura bit push him with smile & says- just go, I'm satisfied..

Karan- that's why I fallen for you in month, because you are such down to earth with honesty..

Tripura push him in washroom & says- stop it, & go get ready..

Karan stop on door of washroom & ask her- when you want to meet Nandi..

Tripura- whenever she is free..

Karan- ok, after two weeks she gonna be free for month, because her Diwali festival holidays gonna be start, & she is much excited for Diwali also, she become very kind & loving girl on Diwali period, so it's good, what do you think..

Tripura- I'm in..

Karan- for shower with me..

Tripura- very smart, now go in & get ready..

Next part depends on your votes & comments..

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