I looked down at the clothes in my hand and realized I forgot my shorts. An image of them on the floor by my bed popped into my head and I swore under my breath. I was standing there with just my briefs on and there was no way I was going back inside that room.

When I heard giggling from the other side of the door I hastily made my way towards Harley. He started laughing as he took in my appearance.

"Is he banging someone again?"

I dropped my shoes and stuffed my, thankfully, socked feet into them. Pulling the top on, I said, "He will be soon. Can I borrow some shorts?"

Harley snickered but simply turned on his heels, me following after him in embarrassment. I waved at the DA on desk duty who just laughed behind his hand.

"This sucks," I muttered quietly, stepping into the elevator. "Why is this happening to me?"

"At least you had underwear on."

"Yeah. This time."

The door dinged and slid open. We crossed the hall to Harley's room. "Well maybe next time he'll let you stay."

I punched his arm. "Shut up."

He smirked, but then stopped as he approached his door. He held up a finger, signalling me to be quiet and then pointed at the floor by my feet, silently telling me to stay there. I did, guessing Dante was inside, and watched Harley slip into the room before re-emerging five seconds later with a pair of black running shorts.

We made our way back to the elevator. I pulled the bottoms on awkwardly, keeping my shoes on in the process. I caught a guy from across the hall with his door open giving me a weird look. I shot back an apologetic smile.

Harley reached a hand out and yanked me into the elevator.

"So," I started to say, letting the word trail off.

Harley glared at me. "Don't say a thing."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Dante still ignoring you, then?"

"I said not to say anything."

I grinned. "Actually, you said not to say a thing and I didn't say that."

"Fuck you."

"Awh, come on. You know you can talk to me."

"I know. And I don't want to, so shut up." We stepped out onto the sidewalk and he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He set up the timer and shot me a look. "Five miles. Let's see if we can do better than yesterday."

I groaned. "Dude, I'm beat. Can't we take it easy today?"

Harley flicked me roughly on the cheek. He was pissed. "No, now quit being a bitch and run."

I pouted, rubbing my face and regretting trying to ask about Dante. Harley hit the start button on his timer and shoved it back in his pocket. I reluctantly set off in a sprint after him.

When we were finished and back at the stairs, I lazily attempted to kick Harley in the shin while he balanced on one foot, stretching his quad. I refused to let him lean on me.

"I hate you," I said as my foot purposely missed him. I didn't want him to fall and break his face. I was breathing more heavily than the last few weeks. "I think I'm gonna puke."

Harley snorted, sweat dripping down his face. He looked gross and I was sure I looked about the same. I could feel my hair that was slightly overgrown sticking to the nape of my neck.

"Whatever," Harley said. He sounded like he was in a better mood at least. "That felt great."

I rolled my eyes. Making the poor decision not to stretch, knowing I was going to be feeling it later, I collapsed onto the step behind me.

Nathan Marsh's State of BeingWhere stories live. Discover now