The Duns'

52 8 18

Tyler doesn't know how many times he's fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt, but he thinks it's up in the millions, ironically as he thinks this, his fingers instinctively fumble with the hem line once again.

By the time he's woken up at six in the morning, Josh had been long gone and hunting with the rest of the pack, it had given Tyler time alone and time to think as he packed his little amount of belongings.

The night previous was full of passion yet Tyler couldn't figure out how to spark a flame again. He even thought about that final glorious climax with Joshua but alas, his fingers were baron of embers.

Ned, who had spent the night chasing mice in the grain silo, was now unsuccessfully helping Tyler pack his things, but his presence was appreciated especially when Tyler would talk to himself out loud.

Once his satchel was properly packed and over his shoulder, the clip snapped tight, he makes his way up the hill and to the right, towards the mess hall, which was also usually a regular hall of sorts.

Today was the day, he sighed deeply, he had to return to the boring human world, and he'd be lying if he didn't say he'd miss the massive commune.

He'd learnt a fair bit since his arrival, but he knew in order for Josh to progress with his turning and to seek the help they needed, his being there wasn't required, in fact, it wasn't required so much so that he was being shipped off home, it almost felt rushed and he really hoped Josh didn't find a new mate while he was gone.

It could be weeks before they'd see each other again, after all, Tyler hoped he didn't change much, his goal was to remember everything about how Josh looked, just in case, so when he finally managed to sit down next to Josh and his huge plate of sausages, he picks over every feature.

He counted twenty six freckles on his right cheek and thirty two on the left, his nose had a slight curve in the bridge, possibly broken in the past, Tyler hopes it was broken in some cool way and not just by Josh being Josh, as always.

As Tyler admires his lover with an unrelenting stare, he observes as wrinkles form beside his eyes wherever he smiles or laughs, and when his eyes become crescent moons, sparkling brightly with life and love, Tyler feels something hitch up in his throat, he almost wants to cough to stop himself from becoming too emotional.

There is... three four, five wrinkles beside each eye, not to mention the dimples that form below and next to his bottom lip when he chuckles at something Sarah has said, Tyler feels the water works swelling, he blinks rapidly in order to avoid letting those pools overfill and spill down his face, he was worried if he became super worked up again, he might just flood the mess hall.

Josh catches Tyler's bottom lip quivering from his peripheral vision, he looks to him expecting a happy, bubbly Tyler but he is greeted with a Tyler that looks like he's about to implode into a thousand micro pieces of witch-boy powder.

"You okay?" Josh finally looks at Tyler directly with a concerned furrow to his brow. He places a hand atop Tyler's, and Tyler can only smile.

"I'm okay." He forces a small smirk upon his lips, a wee shiver of a grin, one so small Tyler might as well have been reacting to a moth touching his cheek, Josh's frown deepens, his attention fully on his lover now.

"Ty, are you sure?" He squeezes their hands together just a little tighter, Tyler looks away for a brief lapse of time before glancing back up.

He thinks it's the way Josh has asked that makes his eyes water, maybe it was that he had turned away from the conversation with a now staring Brendon and Sarah to check on him, but Tyler thinks the reason he begins to violently and loudly sob in the middle of breakfast, is because he did not want to leave.

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