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Tremors shake rocks loose from the ceiling of an underground vessel, they fall and clatter, shattering loudly against the jagged surface of stalagmites below, the more unfortunate shards of earth fall even further down the chasm and into a fiery pit below where they are swallowed by brimstone and magma, never to return to the world above.

When the first tremor hits, a gaggle of nearby beasts, once human but now possessing no free will of their own, stop the crunching on serval once alive human carcasses, and watch the rocks plummeting and tinkling down the ravine, then the third tremor hits and their bodies become ridged with fear.

The hairs on their backs rise to attention and shiver in splintering jitters, sending small shockwaves through their bodies.
The group of festering beasts pause their devouring once again, and all look up towards the roof, waiting for the next tremor, and it strikes only a few minutes after the last, this one is harder and it sends splits snaking violently across the cavern floor, the faster more lucky beats dart up the stairs close to them and flee for higher ground whilst the other wretched, ill-fated creatures fall through the earth to their doom and become engulfed within the fires of Hell below, howling with emended agony, a sound to wake the dead.

Scrambling to the top, the remaining beasts find themselves at the entrance of a large hallway with several offshoot halls behind intimidatingly large doors, the largest sits right towards the end of the hallway, and it is open, leading into a rounded throne room where several creatures roam in pity and agitation.

The beasts opt to enter this room in order for them to safely escape the quickly depleting world below the steps.
Once inside, serval Omega servants walk the room in human form, chatting amongst each other in hushed arguments, they do not dare to disturb the tremendous wolf-like creature dozing atop another smaller set of steps leading up to the throne.

Their muffled chatter ceases when four lesser beasts enter the room, they pause and glance around, visibly shaking and nervous to be in such close proximity to the Mother Lycanthrope.

A tall red-headed lady approach's them with swift cause, making light of the distance between them, her piercing green eyes shoot over each of them as she approaches and when she stops, her hands find their way to her hips, she eyes them off one by one.

"And in what world do we live, where common fungus may grow in the light where flowers bloom?" Her voice, silky, yet raw, turns the creatures to cowering as she stands over them with a commanding presence.

"Weak and cowardly are those who live below us, you wish to be like me, all who breathe wish the power I was bestowed could be theirs, everyone wants to be me," with a quick jerk of her head, her long red waves fly over her shoulder, she places a prideful hand against her chest whilst she grins. "What has brought such lowly pests into the domain of Mother?"

The creatures do not speak words, yet the sounds they produce are understandable to the Alpha woman before them.
She listens to them talk of the sky above splitting and the earth below swallowing their brethren, she frowns upon hearing this, they whisper about a Lycanthrope who has started the beginning of the end.

"Something has been awoken? The Rune has been opened?" She rubs a slender finger upon her pointed chin, she squints and curls her lip in distaste.
"If his potential has finally been unlocked then we must find him, track him, figure out the Rune's abilities and see if he is anything like her, he must join us, then, we rule all-"

"Talking to yourself again, Hilda?" A slightly taller, darker skinned male enters through a door off to the left of the room, his stark white hair and single white feather earring brings out the blue of his eyes against his ebony skin, he smirks at the red-headed lady, she folds her arms in frustration, eyeing a second figure following beside him sheepishly.

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