Walks and Snacks

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It was only alright.

It plays over and over in Tyler's head, Josh had travelled home after the incident, Tyler had left him in the clearing as a sort of middle-finger-rebellion against how Josh had treated him.

Joshua was to talk to his parents about coming over, and Tyler really regretted asking him to come, the whirring burning inside his stomach really made him wish he never met Josh at school.

It wasn't just the fact they had met, it was how attached Josh had become so quickly, and in return, how Tyler couldn't seem to stay away from him.

He'd read Twilight and other shitty fantasy stories, Tyler was fully aware of how dangerous these things turned out, Josh was a monster now, a mythical creature of darkness and death.

If Tyler couldn't hold him back, that means Josh has the power to kill Tyler, or even worse things he didn't want to think about, let alone be around Josh when he inevitably thinks about them.

All Tyler wanted was to be alone, his stomach ached, and after he had been to the toilet, Tyler had been informed that he was now bleeding down there, and he didn't know how to make it stop, the only thing popping into his mind was lady's sanitary napkins or perhaps tampons, wanting to avoid anything else going up there for awhile, Tyler decided that pads were the way to go.

Opting to take a walk before Josh was to come over, Tyler leashes up Ned, a process the overly fat cat didn't particularly enjoy, and takes him for a walk down to the local corner grocery store, a process the overly fat cat did in fact enjoy.

It meant he would get a treat, perhaps some sardines, maybe even a small cup of frozen yoghurt, but tonight was a chilly night that would be frozen yoghurt free, the wind howled and ruffled Tyler's hair and Ned's fur, it sprinkled a small amount of rain upon them both, Ned didn't mind, Ned went swimming in the summer, but Tyler minded.

He hated the rain, he hated how to top off his whole day, the sky just had to open up and drown him in depressing mood lighting and weather, almost as if it knew his sorrows and it wanted to join in.

Tyler understood the mistake he had made, he wasn't going to tell Josh he was a virgin, or that he loved him, or even that he regretted letting Josh ravish his body any way he pleased, he put it down to two things:

Being stricken with a deadly disease called love, and being too damn naive for his own good.

Tonight was a night where Tyler wanted to curl up with Ned on the lounge, watch soap operas and stuff his face full of ice cream as he asked his familiar Ned, why Deborah wouldn't date Johnny since he's clearly so superior to David.

Or why David didn't stay with Ronda to begin with, even though Ronda literally birthed his child, Ned would huff in response if he agreed, or give Tyler the once over if he disagreed.

He usually disagreed.

Now on top of being sore, and angry, he was freezing cold, Ned waddles along, his long fluffy hair kept him warm, Tyler fluffy-hooded parker kept him warm too, he wonders why Josh hasn't grown fur yet, and it was truly the reason why he was coming over tonight.

Something about Josh, other than the blatantly obvious fact that he wasn't a human anymore, was off. He wasn't fully turning, instead he almost, half-turned, his features would vaguely change, but his body wouldn't.

Tyler studies, he knows what Josh should look like, but perhaps who Josh was bitten by wasn't fully Lycanthrope either, it's the only explanation he can deem reasonable.

Josh should be at least 6'2 when turned, his whole bone structure should change, his knees should be backward, spine bent and jagged, Hell, even Josh's face should reconstruct itself.

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