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"You realise this is a serious situation right?"

Joshua, using his tongue to play with his one fang, pauses his own amusement and looks down at Tyler, the one berating him for having fun.

"I guess," he shrugs, his backpack bounces a little, he and Tyler walk towards the Forest, bags packed with the equipment they need, Ned walks beside them leash free, but in a small cat raincoat that matches Tyler's.

It's raining now hence the wet weather gear, Tyler also has a raincoat on, it's all black minus the yellow stripes upon his shoulder, and the cuffs match, Josh in a denim jacket, regrets his wardrobe choice as they make their way through the long grass leading into the trees.

"I don't really understand how, I mean, yeah I'm a creature now, but I can't really change that."

Tyler sighs, a misty fog leaves his lips.

"It's not about that, well... it is but it's not about that, it's about the fact you're not feeling what you should feel," Tyler also shrugs. "Turning should be very painful, you shouldn't look like you and you should definitely be worried."

Josh remains silent for a brief moment.

"How should this happen?" It's a soft question, one Tyler almost doesn't hear.

"Well, all your bones should reconstruct into an entirely different skeleton," Josh frowns with concern. "Your knees should snap backwards, spine should elongate, hell even your face should completely contort into something new."

Josh still looks concerned, but he's processing what Tyler is saying.

They enter into the tree line, beginning to make their way towards the clearing.

"My knees snap back. How?"

"Picture this," Tyler wipes some rain from his face. "You're cemented into the ground, calves down, there's a car attached to your legs and it speeds off violently, taking your knees with it, but your body remains where it is."

Josh chokes a little on the piece of gum he's chewing, immediately disgusted and horrified.

"So my bones break?" he coughs, readjusting the gum from the back of his throat to inbetween his front teeth.

"And rearrange themselves, I think you grow new bones where there isn't any, it's quick, and very painful."

"Wait but..." Josh pauses for a moment, running a hand through his dripping hair, pushing his brown curls backwards. "Sparky bit me, Sparky stayed as a dog, the only things changed about him was the aggression, the eyes and that silver shit that leaked from his mouth."

Tyler inhales, once again swiping water from his eyes, it had really begun to pour now, the lightening and thunder picking up rapidly.

"It's like influenza,"

"What's that?"

Tyler cocks his head at Josh with an expression of how fucking dumb are you kid, but Josh just looks blank.

"The common cold, absolute idiot," Tyler mumbles the last part. "Both humans and animals get it, humans can die from it but in this day and age we have a much higher chance of fighting it off, animals however, pass over if they don't have the right treatment, if you had left Sparky alive he would've died anyway within the first two days, you however," Tyler gestures Josh up and down. "Are different. You're a human, the fever and flu like symptoms you feel are from the infection, it'll never go away, but it won't kill you,"

He stops, reading Josh's expression as he takes in the new information.

"When you're born Lycanthrope you don't feel the flu symptoms, it's a part of you, like being born with cold sores, it'll pop up every month and go away like it was never there, but for you, it's like having mad cow disease constantly raging inside of you at all times, your body will never be used to it, this is why it's a dangerous and very serious situation, those born learn to control their erm..." he shoots a glance to Josh's groin, then immediately looks away with a blush, Josh catches this, and he blushes too. "...urges."

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