Chapter 20

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The following day I woke up to a wonderful smell of food and aunty looking at me" how long have I been out" I was out the whole day

"Not sure found your peacefully sleeping couldn't wake you up, how was your day and how's your leg"

"I'm supposed to go tomorrow again to get a new cast even though I've made progress they're not happy with my femur" I shrugged

"You'll heal soon enough don't be too hard on that leg and DONT DRIVE yet no matter what"

"Yes mam"

We had a nice dinner that night my aunt made her mission to cook my favorite food and I loved being spoiled by her, even though she was tired she took care of me and I feel bad because she's making up for lost times, which I was responsible for.

After we ate I told her I'd clean ...She was tired so she just agreed and after literally 5 minutes she was out like a light ... I smiled and went back downstairs looking over at Kelvin's house ... it was about 8 pm when I saw a lady coming out of his house ...

I was angry I wanted to strangle him how can I be stupid again? Why do I attract men like this? I was angry at myself and at Kelvin how dare he make feel this way I was having feelings for him that much was clear...

I couldn't sleep so I watched tv and tried not to think a lot...

Woke up around 8 am Aunty made breakfast and kept it warm for me, she left a note saying she had an emergency she always has them lately maybe she has a secret boyfriend I laughed at that thought ...

The doorbell rang it was Kelvin what the hell did he want..I didn't want to see him so I acted like I didn't hear it ....he stood there for about 30 minutes and I put my phone on silent to avoid phone calls ...

Around 1 pm aunty came to take me to the doctors she was aware I wasn't acting like myself so she asked

"what's wrong with you today I told Kelvin to come to fetch you and you didn't open for him"

I remained quite looking out the window I wanted to cry but couldn't show her...

We got to the hospital and they put a different cast, I didn't feel much pain because it helped and when we got home, Kelvin was outside waving coming out of his car he smiled and waved and I waved and got in the house and went to my room and lied down.

"Look you're not a teenager anymore with crazy hormones you talk when you are not okay"
I didn't want to give her attitude or she would whoop my ass no matter how old I was ...

" Why is Kelvin being so nice when he knows he's got women he hangs out with"

she looked at me maybe trying to figure out if I'm serious, she burst out laughing with tears coming out

She was making me angry so I cried instead of answering she rushed to me and hugged me she had a smile ....why the hell is she so happy that Kelvin has a girlfriend

"That's Kelvin's sister baby girl Lola"

"What?" Wiping the tears from my face

"If you had remembered him as you should you would know he had 2 little sisters, Lola and Lala yes they are twins and yes their names are kinds funny ...laughing she said

"I'm happy this confirmed something for me"
giving me that freaky look

"What aunty"

"Finally you like him back"

I blushed I couldn't answer I felt sad all of a sudden.

"It's okay to move on and be happy, trust again your baby knows you loved her and Mike didn't deserve you please never forget this, give your heart time to heal so you don't see Mike in Kelvin ... he's a great boy your mom loved him too "

"I just feel bad "

" nonsense you deserve to be happy, your mom and daughter wouldn't want anything less for you okay baby girl" she hugged me and I smiled.

"Now let us go make food and stop acting like a jealous girlfriend" she laughed and left and I l followed her we are cooking and listening to music she's dancing ... I couldn't stop laughing why am I surrounded by crazy people ... I smiled

I finally understood I deserve to be happy and it made me feel warm inside .....Kelvin came by at night but I was "sleeping" apparently he wanted to check if I'm still mad at him I pray aunty didn't tell him because she went outside trying not to wake me...

Honestly, I pretended to be sleeping I didn't know what I'd say I felt embarrassed I had no reason to be cold to him firstly we are not dating secondly he's a great guy he doesn't deserve it ... when he left and aunty went to sleep I fell asleep too tired to go upstairs, wore that nice warm blanket and dozed off on the couch...

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