Chapter 24

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We were both up me and aunty making breakfast I invited Kelvin but didn't tell her so I went all out ... I was smiling when I thought of our kiss ...

"Earth to Megan," aunty said

"Who's got that weird smile on your face" looking at me with that straight face ... I was saved by the doorbell when Kelvin walked in.

"Aunty we need to tell you something," I said frowning "what is it are you pregnant"

"What... no, I mean" not because I think it's gross but we haven't had sex not yet I'm still not ready ...gosh I'm babbling ...Kelvin held back a smile and I looked at him with a straight face, we needed to be serious I looked away and we sat down to eat

"You were telling me something"

"I and kelvin decided it's best we remain, friends, because in a month or 2 I would be going back and ..."

"And what" she pushed her plate out of the way

"I and Mike reconciled aunty he apologized he got a divorce and we are going to try making things work" she sat there and gave me a death scare so I looked at Kelvin...

He couldn't contain himself he laughed so hard he had tears, I couldn't hold it in anymore so we laughed, Aunty stood up and pinched our ears bumping our heads together but not too painful ...both of us "Oooooouch"

She smiled and said "now we are even," she said leaving us rubbing our heads and ears ...
She was sitting at the porch and we both went to her "I'm sorry aunty it was my idea I know I hurt you I'm sorry"

"I'm not mad at the joke I'm mad because ..... she paused because he nearly took you from me and you lost my first grandchild"

it wasn't a funny joke it was stupid... I just wanted a way to show her that I'm over Mike and the pain he caused me but I chose a stupid way ...

She looked sad and I felt really bad I didn't mean to remind her of that at least for me it meant I'm over him finally over the pain I explained to her and she cried ...I kissed Kelvin and told him he can go I'll talk to aunty so he went to work ...

I spoke to aunty for hours making her tea I mean I felt really bad .... but she was okay I promised to never make a joke like that and we agreed and she hugged me...we sat a bit to talk and Aunty looked weird she couldn't speak, she was showing me her left side she was having a transient ischemic attack(mild stroke),

it's still bad which means she needed to be evaluated thoroughly... I tried to call Kelvin but he's the phone was off dammit, I called 911 because I couldn't drive I'd end up crashing cause of this stupid leg .... the ambulance got here and I explained what happened ...

It's her diabetes it was too high why didn't I check I'm such an idiot how can I make her feel like that knowing she's sick  .... we got in the hospital and I was told to sit down " I'm a doctor" I screamed but my scream fell on deaf ears, most of the staff were new due to the new sponsors of the hospital, it's the one I did my residency at and it looked different ...

The doctor went in with her and after hours of torture the doctor told me she will be okay it was indeed a mild stroke, I could finally breathe Kelvin came running and I blamed myself but he told me not to... she was heavily sedated so we couldn't exactly talk to her and we would be back in the morning still scared the shit out of me how can she stay alone when she's sick who would help

I slept in Kelvin's arms that night I couldn't sleep but after he made me tea, I fell asleep ... int the morning we went to see her she woke up to talk to us and said she has been forgetting to use her insulin how do you forget to use something that can save your life?.... I was shouting at her I couldn't help it I won't lose her not yet ....after a few days she was discharged I kept my eyes on her we fought about it she's stubborn like my mother so it's nothing new.

As long as she is okay I'm happy I still need her I love her ...I realized how much she means to me and I felt bad for staying out of her life for 4 years, 4 years I can't take back but I need to change that soon...

Finding my way back home...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat