Chapter 9

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Woke up earlier today I didn't sleep that well-had a nightmare, I looked at his side of the bed and saw him peacefully sleeping I didn't want to talk to him was a bit upset so I got up quietly and showered downstairs ...

Finished got in my car and left, while I was driving he called and I lied saying there was an emergency which he understood and said he loved me ... I didn't want to say it but I said I love you too and hung up.

Got in the hospital and went straight to work checking on my patients the way I wanted to avoid him I started checking their vitals even though I know nurses do it I just did it to keep myself busy.

After I was done, I went to my office and started working on a few things I was happy while listening to music ... I started thinking about Mike and what happened, I know he didn't exactly hit me but I still felt weird his anger scared me I've never been with anyone like that ...

I couldn't tell Zoe because she still doesn't trust him so this ....even if it's a misunderstanding she's going to blow it out of proportion, it's moments like these I miss talking to my mom she would always say something sweet and funny just to make me feel better.

The only thing left is to talk to him about it I mean he caused this ... whatever this is ....someone knocked and it was him he came to bring me food and I smiled
" I'm sorry I know I scared you yesterday I have an anger problem so when you ignored me I just lost it, I promise, I've never hurt anyone and won't start with you"

"I love you" he smiled and came closer to kiss me

" I love you too babe" and he left I sat there and enjoyed my food tasted so amazing ... Zoe came in and I told him Mike bought me food she was starting to like him and said he's treating me like a queen and that makes her happy only if she knew, I forced a smile not forgetting what happened yesterday ...

"Are you sure you're okay Megs?" Zo asked

"Yeah never been better" I looked away
She stared at me and said

" you know I'm here for you right whatever it is"

"I know Zo I love you for that, I'm okay just a bit tired haven't been sleeping well"


"Honestly it's work nothing much I love you but need to go to the ladies because my bladder is about to..."

I stood up and hugged her and left .... the bathroom seemed like it was in another country I wanted to sit somewhere and cry so I got in one and started crying my eyes out .... when I was sure I was done I washed my face and put on some eye drops hoping it clears the redness FUCK.... I put my head down and went back to my office ...

He was really trying but was I convincing myself that he's a good man now I'm back at home today was a long day, I want to forgive him and forget but going back to my place I replayed the scene, .. surprisingly the house was spotless he cleaned everything and it even had a nice scent...

Got upstairs and was greeted by rose petals on the floor ...what the hell is happening, he was dressed in underwear only I laughed because he looked cute and funny I laughed Again he took my bags and when I got in my bedroom there was dinner which we enjoyed he apologized again ... I am not a fool to forgive him right...

Let's just say we didn't sleep that night and had to survive on coffee lots and lots of coffee I couldn't keep my eyes open...

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