Chapter 13

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Zoe's POV

Megan is my friend she always has been and because I'm a year older I've always been the sister she never had ... got in fights for her which is weird I'm crazy a bit I know.

When she dated Christian I was okay as long as she was happy but when her mom passed and how she passed on it hit her hard ...I stayed with her and her aunt Grace because she wasn't coping with losing her mom and boyfriend took its toll on her ...but our residency helped, it kept her busy because she loves being a doctor and she's a good one.

She pushed away any man that wanted to be near her and every time I would set her up with Sam's friends she would embarrass me on purpose so the men gave up, and honestly, I did too when we moved here and started working it was nice she was excited a new start is what she needed WRONG she was running away from it all and I didn't have the heart to say no.

So we agreed with me and aunty Grace it will be better to go with her and take care of her which I did, I loved it at first Sam was happy because he had a job at Lynwood too and was afraid I'd not want to go.

We got our places and everything is okay ... which brings me to the now she's dating a man I didn't like I want her to be happy but there was something about Mike not that he's older but there's something I can't trust I dropped a pen while at a reception taking some notes and went under the desk looking for my stupid pen, I'm 7 months pregnant and getting up means I have to ask 4 more people to help after finding that stupid pen I heard 2 nurses talking about Mike and his wife Yeap Mike is married NOT separated MARRIED ... after finding the courage to get up I rushed to Megan's office I wanted to tell her.

But she spoke about him and I couldn't be the reason her heartbreaks I just didn't know what to do... I avoided Mike because I wanted to punch him ... thank God a few months later my water broke which meant I'd go home and wouldn't deal with this, Am I even a good friend hiding that from Megan I didn't have the guts to tell her I just couldn't ...

Went home for 4 months as my baby grew I knew I'm gonna go back to that hospital and Mike I needed good advice so I went to the one person I knew was smart Aunty Grace I told her about Mike and she advised me to not tell her because if she's in love like I say she is then the truth won't make sense

"let her find out on her own but just always be there for her she's gonna need you, last time her heart broke she pushed away every man and compared them to her father"

It made sense she was stubborn if I had told her I doubt we would still be friends so I kept quiet and thanked aunty G and left. Coming back I wasn't looking forward to it, lying to her or not telling her the truth was the hardest part.

She had a small welcome back party and it was nice as soon as she mentioned Mike I had to remember Aunty Grace and I told her not to overthink, if it was summer would I want her to know or would I hide the truth from her too.

People are still talking about her and I hate it so I gave them an earful but that didn't help they are still bothering her, I followed her and saw her throw something down but it was written "homewrecker" these idiots have taken this too far Id make sure they pay for this it's too immature and we have grown-ass women not bullies in high school ...

I cleaned this mess and gathered enough courage to tell her the next time I see her...I wasn't sure if it was okay but something had to be done and soon I love her too much to see her being bullied and humiliated like we were still in high school...

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