Using funny sound effects to imitating how a character talks, The story became more lively and fun. Of course Minghao and Jun didn't missed out on the fun as they too made their own cute sound effects and they also tried giving voice to the characters.

Without being aware, The three are being secretly watched by Jeonghan and he also couldn't stop smiling.

In his mind, Seungkwan would be a great parent someday.


The kiddie bell soon rang signalling that it was time for lunch. Jeonghan shuts his laptop off and went to help the other staffs in setting the table, Meanwhile Seungkwan and another staff went to get the children's food.

Jeonghan was putting away some toys when he felt a tug on his pants. He looks down to see Chan, smiling shyly at him.

Jeonghan faced the kid and smiled at him. "Hi sweetie. Is there something you need?"

Chan shakes his head no and grabs one of Jeonghan's hand. He began pulling the long haired male with him until they stop beside the minishelves where the children's bags are.

Chan pulled his bag out of the shelves and Jeonghan just curiously watch as the child plops down on the floor and opened his bag. Jeonghan also sat down on the floor as Chan continued to rummage inside the bag.

After a short while, Chan finally found what he was looking for and he gave it to Jeonghan.

Jeonghan stared at the object, surprised but at the same time in awe. "What is this sweetie?"

"It's a tank you cawd. I made fow you Teacher. Do you wike it?" Chan stared at Jeonghan with a hopeful look on his cute face.

Jeonghan smiled and playfully ruffled the child's brown hair.

"I love it. Did you make this yourself?" Jeonghan opened the car and instantly smiled at the colorful drawing and the messy but cute handwriting.

Chan nodded his head and crawled into Jeonghan's lap. The two of them read the card together. Jeonghan felt his heart warmed up and got a little teary eyed.

The child's simple words, gesture of gratitude made an effect towards Jeonghan. A good and special effect. He wrapped one arm around Chan and gave him a hug, placing a sweet kiss on the child's head. Jeonghan thanked the heaven for having blessed the world with a sweet boy named Choi Chan.

In all honesty, Little Chan reminded Jeonghan of a certain someone who also had a special place in his heart. A special person that he met through high school who eventually became the love of his life. This person and Chan both had the same cute button nose and adorable curly hair. Pouty lips and a cute sense of displaying affection.

Jeonghan was the happiest when they were still together. It's sad that their relationship came to an end. It had to for them to be able to pursue their dreams. Atleast the break up was a mutual decision.

Jeonghan leaned against the shelf with Chan still on his lap, now playing with his toy dinosaur that he loves so much. The long haired male lets out a sigh, mind wandering off to nowhere.

Soon Seungkwan and the other staffs came back to the room with the lunch trays and the children started cheering loudly. Jeonghan neatly folded the card and carried Chan to his desk.

Jeonghan placed the card carefully inside his bag before bringing himself and Chan to the playmats where the others are starting to eat lunch. Jeonghan sat down next to Seungkwan and Chan, like last night, stayed on his lap.

Seungkwan looks up from his food tray and look at his bestfriend then at the child who was happily eating from Jeonghan's food tray. The blonde just smiled and continued eating.

Suddenly there were knocks on the door making everyone stop what they were doing and turn their heads toward the door. The door opens ajar and a female staff peek her head in the room, her gaze wandered around until it landed on the two teachers in the room.

"Teacher Yoon, Teacher Boo. You have visitors." said the female staff before opening the door completely, she then moves aside letting two male figures walk into the room.

Jeonghan instantly recognizes the two male figures. One is none other than Vernon while the other one is someone Jeonghan never expected to see again. The person he was just thinking about just walked into the room and Jeonghan didn't know what to feel.

Seungkwan lets out a bit girlish squeal as he stood up and ran to Vernon who happily opened his arms and caught the blonde in a hug.

"Daddy!!!" Chan suddenly squealed as he hops off Jeonghan's lap and the long haired male could only watch as the child ran to the familiar man who immediately crouched down and  opens his arms to the child. The child dove into the familiar man's arms who then lifts the child up and settled him on his hip.

The two men's police uniform caught the children's attention and they all started gathering around the two men.

Most of the children are with Vernon and Seungkwan while two little chinese boys stayed with Chan and the man he claimed to be his father.

Chan began squirming and the man set him down on the floor. The little child then went to Jeonghan. The child didn't say anything as he grab one of Jeonghan's hand and pulled the man up.

Jeonghan chuckled and stood up. Chan then continued pulling Jeonghan until they now stood in front of the familiar man. A look of recognition flashing on his face the moment his eyes met Jeonghan's.

"Daddy this my tweacher. He's very pwetty isn't he?" Chan smiled at his father with innocent eyes. Totally unaware of how his words made his teacher feel.

The long haired male felt himself blush, feeling slightly embarrassed, while the familiar man, now known as Chan's father, just smiled and playfully ruffled the child's hair then his eyes caught Jeonghan's stare.

"Mr. Yoon it's nice to finally meet you. My son talks about you alot." The man held his hand out and Jeonghan shyly shook it. Hands tingling at the familiar warmth.

"Hopefully only good things and it's a  pleasure to finally meet you again Mr. Choi." Jeonghan smiled, subtly eyeing their entwined hands. Secretly loving how his small delicate hand still fits perfectly with the man's rough bigger hand.

Jeonghan would be lying if he said he didn't feel the butterflies in his stomach go wild. The man's beautiful brown eyes and those plump pink lips. The sharp jawline and broad shoulders. And those arms. Damn.  Chan's father is one fine specimen.

"Mr. Choi was my father. Just call me Seungcheol."

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