Jeonghan and Seungkwan decided to have their lunch in their classroom. The kids need atleast someone to watch over them while they sleep.

"Hyung what did you bring for your lunch today?"

Jeonghan opens his lunchbox as Seungkwan sits down across from him.

"Well I kind of went overboard with cooking. I have rice cakes, chicken stew, oh! My mom's version of kimchi and seaweed rolls." Jeonghan said pointing to each food.

"What about you? What do you have?" Jeonghan glanced at the younger's lunchbox. It was pink with white flowers on it while Jeonghan's lunchbox was white with cute little pink bunnies.


Jeonghan groaned in annoyance and gave his bestfriend a look.

"Seungkwan I already told you. You don't need a diet. You're not fat." Jeonghan said but Seungkwan only turned a deaf ear to him. In his mind, Jeonghan was only saying that because he pities him.

Soon lunch hour ended. Seungkwan was called to the main office, leaving Jeonghan to clean up. He washed their dishes before placing the boxes back into their bags. Not feeling the slightest tired, Jeonghan decided to continue working on the paperworks he couldn't finish the previous night.

Seungkwan returned to the room half an hour later and went straight to his desk. He opens his phone, smiling wide when he saw the green dot under his boonon's name indicating that he's currently online. He excitedly opens their chat box, eyes sparkling at the sweet messages from his boonon.

The two teachers spent the rest of naptime doing their own thing. Soon the kids started waking up, signaling the teachers that it's almost time for the children to be pick up

The two teachers help the kids get ready for dismissal and kept them entertained until it was time to go home. One by one the kids left until a few are left, among them is Chan as always.

Seungkwan went out to throw the trash and Jeonghan kept himself occupied while waiting for his bestfriend to return. He picks up scattered toys and placed them on the toy chest, then gathered the coloring books and story books. Arranging them in the mini bookshelf.

"Uhm excuse me?" A cacausian male suddenly enters the room, his police uniform catching Jeonghan's attention.

"I'm here to pick up Chan."

"Who are you?"

"Sorry, I'm Vernon. I'm Bestfriends with Chan's Father." Vernon held out his hand and Jeonghan shook it.

Chan walks to them and immediately clings to Vernon.

"Hyung have you seen my–"

Seungkwan stops on his tracks when he saw the caucasian man. Vernon turns to face the man who entered the room, instantly smiling when he saw who it was.


Seungkwan visibly blushed and began stammering. "Oh H-Hi, what.....what are you doing here? Vernon."

Jeonghan raised an eyebrow, feeling very amused seeing his best friend looking all flustered and awkward, for the second time today.

"I came to pick up little Chan and now we're on our way––Actually are you free now? Cause I'm bringing the kid out for dinner and......uhm..........I was wondering if you would like to.........join us?"

Seungkwan felt himself blush darker as Vernon stared at him. Mostly at his lips.

"Uncle Nonie, is daddy gonna join us for dinner?" Chan's small voice snapped the pair from staring at each other.

Vernon smiled down at the child. "Yes Chan. He promised to join us for dinner this time."

Chan only gave a small smile in return and Jeonghan felt his heart break a little. How many times have Chan's parents missed dinner? With their own child nonetheless. Jeonghan grew up with workaholic parents so he somehow understood how the child felt.

Which lead Jeonghan to wonder what kind of life the child has at home. His concern grew every day and it became apparent how much he really cared about the 4 year old with the way he worries for him. He was ready to do everything to help the child.

"Excuse me, did you say Chan's father is going join you for dinner?" Jeonghan asked after a few moments of silence.

Confused, Vernon only nodded his head. "Yes. he said he will."

"Perfect!" Seungkwan suddenly cuts in, clapping his hands once.

"What? Why?"

"Teacher Yoon have something to discuss with Chan's father, don't you Teacher Yoon?"

Jeonghan lightly glared at his best friend. Clearly misunderstanding Seungkwan's intention and the latter notices it. He lets out an exasperated sigh and gestured to Chan. Jeonghan finally understood and nodded his head.

"Well if that's the case then, You and Teacher Yoon can join us for dinner."

Jeonghan thanked the younger while Seungkwan lets out a squeal and pecks his boyfriend on his lips, earning a glare from the long haired male.

The blonde pulled away with a smug look on his face and the long haired male with annoyance all over his face.

"If it's not to much of a trouble." Jeonghan continued smiling at the caucasian boy.

"Great! We'll wait for you in the car then. Kwannie will know which car. ByeBye!"

Vernon waved goodbye to the teachers and left the classroom with an excited little Chan on his arms. Jeonghan felt his heart warmed up at the sight of the child being happy.

Jeonghan finished packing his stuff and he locked the classroom with a now whining Seungkwan in front of him.

"You're like a sloth Hyung, so slow." the blonde continued to complain as the two of them walk down the hallway.

Jeonghan just ignored his sassy best friend and started walking slower just to annoy the younger.

They eventually reach the parking lot and Seungkwan immediately lead them to Vernon's car. They got in and left the school ground.

On their way to the restaurant, Jeonghan suddenly felt nervous as the thought of finally meeting Chan's father dawned onto him. He only usually met with the children's parents at school, during PTA meetings most of the times. So meeting one now out of school grounds spiked his nerves.

He just hopes Chan's parents are nice.

Half an hour later, they finally pulled over. They got out of the car and Jeonghan's jaw almost fell when he saw what restaurant they were going to dine in.


To be more precise.

It's a very very expensive restaurant.

Not exactly the type of place that either Jeonghan or Seungkwan can afford.

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