
"Have none of you learnt yet?"

Pest had said as she once again blocked another attack by the four by forming the black sphere around her.

The group were panting as Pest appeared to be completely fine, not appearing at all winded from the fight she was having.

"Tell me something, Black Percher. You are no mere demon, you're a deity. Aren't you?" Black Rabbit panted as the thee other girls stared at her wide-eyed.

They all then looked back up at Pest in surprise as the girl appeared unfazed by suddenly being asked such a question.

"You'd be correct. While I'm not as high of a status as Lord Yveltal and Lordess Xerneas, I still am one." Pest had answered.

"I was told by Izayoi. He said that your divine power doesn't come from the deaths of the children that were recorded in The Pied Piper of Hamelin."

"Wait, if her power doesn't come from them. Then what?" Carla asked in confusion as Sandora and Wendy seemed just as confused.

"Simple. Her power comes from the deaths of the people caused by the ravaging Black Plague from the fourteenth to the seventeenth centuries."

The females were shocked by this, especially Wendy and Carla. From what they have learnt from a couple of days ago, the plague had killed millions. That kind of news was absolutely shocking to them.

A simple plague had killed far more people than even wars from back in their world had. If Pest drew power from it, then her strength was obvious.

"Considering the number of deaths being around in the eighty millions, it's no wonder you're a demon." Black Rabbit stated with narrowed eyes.

"I suppose I'll tell you something to pass some time. I am the representation of eighty million spirits of pure evil, a physical manifestation of their malice."

The group just listened quietly as Pest seemed to be explaining about her being, their curiosity getting the better of them as they listened.

"As the sun entered a cooling period, the plague had spread with ease." Pest stated. "I have the right! The have the very right to bring revenge on the blasted sun that allowed such evil to spread! And it shall all be repaid accordingly!"

They widened their eyes when Pest's dense and fiery crimson aura that was mixed with black surrounded her body as she displayed an expression of anger.

"Heh." Black Rabbit gave a smile despite their situation. "Only the likes of a Demon Lord would declare revenge upon the sun."

Pest just gave a smirk in response as the aura around her began to absorb back into her body, to which she then smiled down at them.

"Let us resume our game. We still have a while before time is up, and I want to enjoy your screams until then. Or until our mission is complete."

Pest stated as they all then looked up towards space as the stars were still very much being destroyed left and right.


The True Gods were back to close quarters as their punches and kicks were causing ripples to appear in space as black holes were also forming around them.

Both sides appeared to be completely even as neither one of them were backing down, all still going at full capacity.

"Why do you two ally yourselves with those demons? What possible purpose could you have?" Palkia wondered.

The True Gods (Highschool DxD Fanfic and Multiverse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now