Day 1

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"Open the field!"

The voice of Mato boomed. The participants were standing next to each other at the centre while the other members of their teams were watching from the sides.

Everyone watched in surprise, except for the Alpha Origin and Distorted Chaos guilds, as multiple buildings started to appear on the field around them.

It continued to grow until the point that it became pretty much a small city.

"A manifestation, huh? Impressive for their level..." Dialga muttered. His eyes showing small signs of surprise or none at all.

"Hm?" Regirock groaned. He had noticed the other participants had vanished and sensed their energy and that they were placed in different locations in the city. "Hidden..."

"What was that game called? I have a feeling it is similar to this..." Regice asked.

"I believe it was called HIPS, or Hidden in Plain Sight." Registeel answered. They watched their comrade walk around calmly as he was searching for the others.

The main objective in Hidden is for you to locate the other players! Once you manage that, you'll have to land an attack on them!

The player which successfully lands their attack on them, despite if it does damage or not, is awarded a point!

"So, it's literally just HIPS..." Regice muttered. A small sweatdrop rolling on the back of his head.

"I guess so. You can either hide and attack from the shadows, or if you are skilled enough, stay in plain sight and lure the others in to attack while avoiding getting attacked." Palkia stated.

Regirock watched calmly as multiple projections of the other players started to materialise around him, they were like illusions, stuff he had dealt with before.

I know they may look pretty, but they just aren't there for show, attack one of the fakes then it'll cost you a point!

Now, it's time to disappear like a black cat in a dark alleyway! Let's play Hidden!

The audience erupted in cheers as the gongs were pounded, Regirock quickly began moving forward as he climbed up the side of a building.

'I don't need to take first, I only need to make sure that Moltres doesn't beat me.' Regirock thought.

"Come on, Regirock..." Regice and Registeel muttered. Dialga and Palkia watched on with emotionless eyes as they saw Regirock quickly approaching towards their target.

They blinked in confusion though when they heard the buzzer and turned to see that it was the blue haired woman from Fairy Tail that was hugging the other member of their guild, a fake on anyway.

With that bear hug attack, Juvia from Fairy Tail B, loses one point! She'll be put into a ten second time out and placed somewhere else in the arena!

"Really? I just don't even..." Registeel groaned. He didn't know what to think of what he had just witnessed, none of the others either.

They could only sweatdrop at the sight.

"He should be just up here..." Regirock muttered. He was now hanging onto the wall of a building in an alley as he could sense Moltres's energy. "!"

Regirock's instincts kicked in as he quickly turned his body and gripped onto another space on the wall, he had just managed to dodge a blast of fire.

The True Gods (Highschool DxD Fanfic and Multiverse Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang