The Warning and Purification

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Dialga glared at the group with a huge amount of malice, they were quiet for over a minute now. If he didn't get his answer soon...

"Answer me! If you don't in the next thirty seconds, every single one of you will be destroyed in a second!" Dialga roared.

They all stepped back in fear as a denser aura surrounded Dialga's body, Sirzechs, aong with the other leaders gathered the courage and stepped forth.

"W-We apologise, mu name is Sirzechs Lucifer, and these are the leaders of the Fallen Angels and Angels, Azazel and Michael." Sirzechs stuttered.

Dialga's glare didn't stop though, it obviously showed he didn't give a crap about who they were. They gulped in nervousness and fear.

"Okay, now answer my question.... who was the cause!" This time much louder, he was obviously losing his patience and was about to go on a rampage.

They were shocked as his loud voice sent a shockwave through the area that cracked the ground and shattered the windows.

"I-If you mean the time stop, then the cause was..." Sirzechs was about to answer, that was when Rias walked up along with Issei.

"If you want to know, tell us your reason!" Rias demanded.

"That's right, we're not telling you anything if you don't tell us why you want to know!" Issei agreed.

Dialga's eyes just began to glow even brighter as his anger was showing itself clearly, they were all surprised and scared as rocks began to float in the air and the space around them began to rot away.

"Quiet!" Sirzechs shouted. Rias and Issei were surprised to hear the alarm in the devil kings voice, when they turned to see that all of the leaders were also showing nervous expressions, they were worried.


"No! Stand down!" Rias and Issei flinched along with the others at Sirzechs order. But nonetheless, they backed down.

"Now, continue..." Dialga scowled.

"A-As I was saying, the cause would be the bishop of my little sister's peerage." Sirzechs stated. Dialga scanned his eyes over the group before landing on a boy which had blonde hair but was strangely wearing a girls outfit.

He searched through the persons energy and sensed something that made him scowl. "I see, that fool you call a God created something like this, even without my permission."

They all could easily tell that he was speaking of the Biblical God, the angels and some of the others were annoyed by how Dialga called him a fool but did nothing.

"He has broken multiple Omniversal rules, so I day his death was well earned." They all ignored the last part but were shocked at the first.

Whoever this person was, they had A hint of him being high enough on the list to have knowledge of something like the Omniverse.

"Now, tell me this. Why did he manipulate time as he did?" Dialga demanded. His voice slightly calmer than before, but still angry.

"He had no control, the gear was too powerful and it was also fault to the magicians that attacked. They forced him to lose control and cause all of it to occur." It was Michael who answered this.

"I understand. But let me tell you, manipulating time and even more so going into the past and future is an extreme crime for those who aren't given permission."

"W-Wah?" Was all of them.

"The only people who are permitted to such a thing are True Gods, but they have to get permission from me first as well."

The True Gods (Highschool DxD Fanfic and Multiverse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now