Breaths, equally as the thrusts pick up on the pace of our hearts, leading me to my high.

The look in his eyes is even more mesmerizing than before. Lovingly kissing me as he drives us into Eden.

Ok, that wasn't just sex, it was more, he was ...
He was making love to me!

In my head, I say what I've been struggling with all these years. Unlike him I can't say it out loud.

Benjamin... I love you, I love you so much!

Feeling very cheerful, Ben decides it's time for breakfast. Jumping out of bed he searches for his boxers. Than heads for the door only to stop midway, grabbing my costume from last night off of the bedroom floor in the process.

"Let's not wear this piece of cloth, in public ever again!" He lifts his eyebrows to make a statement. "This was ment for my eyes and my cock only!" He throws the piece on the bed and opens the door.

Guess he feels very strongly about that subject.

Hello, jealous Ben!

He returns with some left over cupcakes, from last night. Holding up a cold bottle of champagne, along with two glasses as he lifts his eyebrows.

"Yum!" I let the bubbly bitterness flow down my throat, feeling very thirsty all of a sudden. Watching Ben cross the room, his incredibly sexy body in display for me to lust over. His Raven tattoo is even more beautiful in daylight than it was in the dim lights of my closet.

"Get dressed, we are going for a walk!" He suddenly blurts. Face all coated in enthousiasme.

"No, I have a better idea. Why don't you come back to my very comfortable bed." I tap the spot in front of me as I whimper my eyelashes at him.

"It's snowing! We are going out!" Wow, he's determined.

"Fine, snow is THE only reason I will get out of bed for this morning." To be honest, I'm as exited as he is. I've been hoping for snow these past few weeks. I love winters in New End, especially when snow season has started.

"Great! Good thing I came prepared. My spare cloths are in the trunk of my rental."

Driving the rental truck, up to Castle Hill, I'm a bit nervous. Last time we where here, Ben and I fought and Nick favored him with a black eye.

Ben seems very relaxed, though, as we pull up the parking lot near the tourist platform. There are two other cars on the far end. Probably from hikers or skiers who wanted to catch the first snow, like us I guess.

He puts the car in park and jumps out running around, to open the door for me. As soon as my boots hit the snow I ease up. This is my habitat. I breathe in the cold silent snowy air.

"We should have brought sky's." I mumble.

"I have something else in mind actually." Grabbing my hand, he leads the way. Over the platform, down the small path. I recognize the scenery immediately. We are headed for the tree. My tree!

Butterflies swirl in my stomach, as the trail with close trees is transformed into an open snow covered mountain view.

"Wow!" The view never fails to amaze me.

"Right! And you wanted to stay in bed!" He laughs as he leaves the tourist path, dragging me along with him.

Well I did have a pretty damn good view there, too, if you ask me!

But this isn't bad either, taking in his sexy ass nicely tucked away in his jeans, I smirk.

In his enthousiasme he starts talking about small things. His childhood, his first encounter with snow riding a sleigh down the hill with his mother, his mother who left when the twins where born. I'm dumbfounded on how he is so talkative, not much emotion is shown, though. But that changes as he picks up the subject of his father, hesitating for a moment.

I squeeze his hand almost unnoticeable. This is a safe place for him to talk. My heart won't ever judge.

"I hated it when you first started calling me Benjamin." He looks at me as we walk on towards my tree.

When did I start doing that?

"It was about the same time we were at Josh's party."

"Right, you started calling me Peeterson... what was up with that?" I laugh. How did he hear what I was thinking?

He shrugs off my question.

"Danielle, my father was the only one who called me Benjamin. Although my name is Ben, he always called me Benjamin. I didn't mind, but ever since he died..." he leans against the tree, pulling me into a hug as soon as his back touches the trunk.

"Oh, so the tattoo..." the name wasn't ment for me! Off course it wasn't, me and my romantic fantasies. I hide my embarrassed, flustered face in his neck.

"Was all for you!" He tightens his grip. "I hated it before, but the more you said it. The more I came to love it." He nuzzles his nose in my hair. "Somehow throughout the years you made, Benjamin, sound sexy as hell!"

Looking up, I'm met with two fire filled blue eyes. As the snowfall picks up, it sticks on my face, covering his hair. I'm glad I'm having this exact moment with him. Before he leaves for Europe...

"Benjamin..." I can't help but smile as he growls, before holding my cold cheeks in his warm hands, reaching down to kiss me.

Wow, no longer having sex... but making Love. 🥰

Does this mean that Cole is starting to disappear from Danniis radar? 🤔

Tell me are you a snow person too, like Dannii? 🌨

Don't forget to vote. ⭐️

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