"No. I was planning to give back her make-up kit. The brands that she have are high quality ones." I said as I brought the kit from my back and showed it to Konoha. "Wait, did you put on make-up?!"

"I did." I lifted the hem of my shorts to show him a detailed drawing of an owl with its wings spread on my thigh. "You're using the wrong tools and the place to draw!"

"Want me to draw on yours?"

"Nope! No, thank you!" he started to walk away from me. "I didn't know this team is full of weirdos."

I turned my head to where Bokuto was standing. "Bo-"

I was cut off when I saw him jumping up and down, it seemed like he was reaching for something. I looked up and a volleyball was stuck on the gym's ceiling. The only problem was the ceiling was about eight meters high.

"Bokekuto-san," I called out to him with dead eyes. "Gah! When did my name change, Akaashi!?"

"What did you think you're doing?"

"I'm reaching for the stuck volleyball up there!"

"And what makes you think that you can reach it?" I asked him as I raised one eyebrow up. Bokuto blinked a few times before smiling stupidly at me. "I can jump high! So with that I know I could reach it!"

I rolled my eyeballs behind of my eyelids as I rubbed my temples and groaned. "C'mon, Akaashi! If you stand on my shoulders while I'm jumping I'm sure we could reach the ball!"

"Oh, we'll be also reaching heaven if we do that Bokuto-san." I sarcastically replied. "Is that so?! Then that's great! We could easily reach the ball!"

"I-" I took a deep breath and sighed as I started to walk away from him. "I'm done with you, Bokuto-san."

As I began walking towards the gym doors, I stopped and returned to where Bokuto was. "Before I walk out, do you know where Katsumi-san is?"

"Oh, she's maybe eating somewhere around the campus." Bokuto shrugged as he began jumping again, attempting to grab the ball from the high ceiling that was impossible to reach.

"Alright." I replied. "Sayonara, Bokekuto-san."

"Gah! Wait, wait Akaashi!" he yelled loudly as he grabbed my arm. "I wouldn't get near her if I were you."

"And why is that?"

"You know, it's that time of the month." he whispered on my ear as he nodded. 

"What? Is Katsumi-san dying?" I asked him with a slightly worried expression. "No, dude no. She has a monthly visitor."

"And who is that person?" I asked with a slightly agitated expression as I brought out a knife. "Akaashi, no! And where did you get that?! Put it down!"

"Katsumi is having a red tide." Bokuto nodded at me. "Is she by the sea?"

"No, no, no! Uh... she has code red!"

"Oh my God. Bokuto-san, is your house burning?"

"Oh my God no!" Bokuto shouted as he brought his hands on his face. "Wait, I'm not sure about the fire though."

Bokuto began to run out of the gym but I stopped him by grabbing his arm. "Bokuto-san, Katsumi-san is more important than the fire." Bokuto blinked as he smiled. "Yeah, yeah. You're right. The fire can wait."

"Katsumi has her period today."

"Period?" I titled my head to the side a little. "You mean, as in dot? A dot?"

Bokuto groaned as he pulled his hairs. "NO! AKAASHI NO!"

Bokuto sighed heavily as he rubbed his temples. "She has.... has..... men.... mentation? Mendacity? Mensural? Argh! Why can't I remember an easy-ass word?!"

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