Chapter Ten: The War-Pack Rises

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Wassup home slices. I'm back. Not like I ever leave.  ANYWAAYYYY my updates will take a bit longer because I have hecking summer school because my ass sucks at math. Onwards to le story.

Izuku turned around to walk away from Momo before freezing, "Oh shit."

Aizawa, Hizashi, Nezu, and several other heroes were standing there along with quite a large crowd. A few heroes were keeping the crowd out of the Support Room.

"Ah.." Izuku begins, nervously rubbing his neck. "Heyyyy dad. Pops. How are you guys doing on this fine afternoon?"

Aizawa had ditched his stoic expression long before they woke up. His face was sheer and pure panic.

It was the beginning of the day, classes had yet to start but students were filing in. Aizawa had given two of his students- Yaomomo and Izuku- permission to skip the first hour or so.

Fifteen minutes into class, Aizawa was talking about critical first aid. Like if someone was going into cardiac arrest or they were severely wounded. Most of the class was paying attention and taking notes. However, there's always the special kids. Kaminari and Mina.

Aizawa sighs and goes to reprimand the two Problem Children before two screams rip through the normally silent halls. These weren't screams of laughter or normal fright. These were screams of pure terror and nightmare fuel.

He instructs the class to stay put and stay on guard until he returns. Of course a couple minutes after he leaves they follow him. Every few minutes, a scream or two would shatter the silent halls which were slowly but surely filling with heroes and students alike.

The screams were coming from the Support Room.

Class 2-A was the first there because they were closest. Kirishima is the first to look inside, past the blockade created by some heroes. He pales slightly and turns to Shoto, Bakugo, and Shinso.

"Yo Bakubabe, it's not exactly... uhm.... pleasant in there." Shinso tells Cementoss to let the three boys through, which he does. Can't refuse Emo Jesus's son.

The first thing they notice is Aizawa and Mic standing defensively in front of a couch.

What the fuck? Bakugo asks himself. Shinso knows it's his brother and Shoto knows it's something around the lines of Izuku.

They walk cautiously over to Aizawa and Mic, who have panic written all over their faces.

Shoto is the first to notice the greenette practically seizing on a couch. What nobody expected was Momo to be passed out on the floor next to him with her hand seemingly stuck to his forehead. The girl was horribly pale and was shaking just as badly as Izuku. Kiri was standing by them, she looked to be in a trance.

Being half ghost, Kiri can't pass out or faint.

"He took them into it. He did it again. Oh no." Shinso starts to hyperventilate while Mic and Aizawa grab him into a hug to calm him down.

"Shh... It's okay breathe. Just breathe." Aizawa rubs circles on his back.

Another blood chilling scream rips from Momo's throat and she inhales violently before resuming her shaking.

"What the fuck did he do?! WHAT DID THE NERD DO?!" Bakugo shouts the last part.

Shinso is pale and weakly points at the group by the couch, "He took them into his memories." His eyes well up with tears before continuing, "I wouldn't wish that upon anyone. I love him to death but.... Nobody can change what Momo is about to see. If Kiri lets her choose memories, I hope she chooses the better ones, but that doesn't look like the case."

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