Chp19: How?

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"Why do I have to save the world from Jace?" I asked.

"When you find your real mate, you'll have to reject Jace. Jace will go blind, but he will go crazy to, destroying everything in his path." Craven said.

"What if I dont reject him?"

"Then your real mate will-"

I cut Craven off, "Wait, before we get back into that, I want you to answer some questions that need to be answered."


"If I die will Anna to?"

"Yes. She is apart of you, thus if you do, she does."

"How come Jace said y'all were best friends if-"

"He doesn't know I'm his uncle."


"Ya. Anyways, if/when you reject Jace he will go crazy. He'll do anything to get you back, weather you like him or not, weather you rejected him or not. If you run, he'll find you. Have you ever seen Devil's Playground?"

"What does a zombie movie have to do with this?"

"Have you or not?"


"He will be like that, super fast, super strong-"

"Isn't he already like that?"

"Super deadly."


"He will want to kill every living thing. Anything that moves, except you. Your the only thing keeping him alive."

"So what do we do? How do we do it?"

"You have to sing."

"What will that do?"

"Sing a song that has meaning to you, weather it be like someone was bulling you and you didn't care, or you fought back. If someone close to you died. Something like that. Use words, you know, as a weapon somehow."


Words.. weapons...

Words as weapons!

"That's it!"

"What?" Craven and Aiden said at the same time.

"Words as weapons!"


I smiled. "Do we have a cage?"

They looked at each other, then smiled, and looked back at me. "Yes. It just happens to be the chamber down stairs."

I clapped my hands together.

"Let's get started."

Im SO sorry I haven't updated in forever, I've been enjoying my vacation and doing school work 😒. I'll be updating more though.

No spell check

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