Chp21: Anna, Please

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"What? Stop joking. Let me out." Jace said, grabbing ahold of the bars.

"I can't do that-" I said, but I was cut off.

"Why not? Your my mate! Let me out!"

"That's just it though! I'm not your mate!"

"Yes you are! I love you! I feel tingles every time we touch! I look into your beautiful eyes and I'm home!"

I'll admit, I was touched by what he said. No ones ever said that to me, but I don't feel the same way.

"I don't feel that though, Jace..."

"Yes you do!"

"No. I don't."

"Rose, please. Yes you do."

"You can't make someone love you Jace. It has to happen on it's own or by fate-"

"Being my mate isn't fate?"

"I'm not your mate-"

"Is this your way of rejecting me?"

"If you want to think of it like that, then yes."

Suddenly Jace's eyes became red and he was screaming bloody murder.


My eyes widened. He knows about Anna?

"Wha-what?" I stuttered.

"Anna, you can't leave me...not again....." Jace said and he stopped throwing a tantrum. He slouched down on the floor in a corner.

"H-how do you know about Anna?" I asked.

Aiden was looked wide eyed at the both of us. I bet he didn't expect that, but then again, neither did I.

Jace looked at me. "You look so much like her...."

My eyes swelled with tears and my bottom lip began to tremble. He knew Anna. He knew what she looked like. He is her mate.

"Anna, I know you're in there. Please, it's me. It's Jace. Please don't leave me again. I can hardly live without you..."

Suddenly I couldn't control anything in my body. All I could do is look.

"Jace, it's me. It's Anna." It wasn't my voice. This voice sounded very soft and angelic.

Jace stood up and went to the bars of the cage, holding his hands out between them.

'I' took this hands.

"Anna, please come back to me."

"I can't Jace. This isn't my life anymore. I told you I would come back to you though and I did."

Tears started spilling over Jace's eyes.

"You can't leave me again. I love you to much. It's so much to bear without you. I feel that day happen all over again."

Though I couldn't talk, and only see, I could see a flashback of what happened.


"Anna! No!"

Jace came running to Anna and held her in his arms. She was on the floor bleeding out. Her stomach was slashed open.

"No,no,no,no,no,no,no, please no. Anna please stay with me. You can't leave me yet. Please don't go, please." He started crying.

Anna lifted her hand to his cheek and held it. "I'm sorry, I couldn't stare out the window and do nothing while my family was being killed. I love you Jace. I'll come back one day though, I promise...."She said, her eyes started to flutter shut, her hand dropped from his face and her breathing slowed tremendously.

"No, Anna please stay with me! Please don't go!" He held onto her hand, crying into her hair until her breathing finally stopped.

"I told you I would come back, but I can't stay forever. You will see me soon, and then we can be together forever. Until then, this is Rose's life, not mine. I can't keep her from it." 'I' lifted my hand to his cheek and kissed him on the lips. "Goodbye my love."

Then I had control over my body again.

Jace pulled away from me and turned to look at the wall so his back was to me.

"What just happened?" Aiden asked.

I looked at Jace. "Anna is Jace's mate. She died and promised Jace she would come back. She was reincarnated into me."

A tear slipped from my eye. "I'm so sorry Jace. I-I didn't know-"

"It's ok." He sniffled. "I'm ready."


"To be with Anna again. She said we would be together forever this time. I know what she means." He turned and looked at me. "Do it. Kill me."

No spell check.
Sorry this is a little (a lot) late.
This story is almost finished, just an FYI.

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