Chp7: Her Story

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After Aiden accepted my apology, I let Rose out of her room and we all went into the living room and sat on the couch. Rose on one side of me and Aiden on the other.

"So how come you never told me you could sing?" I asked her.

She chuckled at me. "I've only been here how long? Like not even a day Jace. And already, you don't trust me and I'm your mate."

"I do trust you! It's just, Aiden's my brother and-"

"I get it. You've know him way longer to."

"I do trust you. Aiden's just an ass." I glared at him.

He smile smugly back.

"But answer my question."

"What question?"

"Why didn't you tell me you sing?"



"Me what?"

"Why didn't you tell me you sing?"

"I sing?"


"Hehe. I'm sorry. I just don't tell anyone. Not like I had anyone to tell anyways. And I haven't been around instruments in forever either. I'm a little rusty."

"That was rusty?" I asked astonished.

"Ya. It was pretty bad."

"Not really." Aiden butted in.

"Ya," I said. "It was really good."

"Thanks, but still. It's not something I like to do."

"What?" Aiden and I said simultaneously. (At the same time)

How could she not like to sing? Her voice is beautiful and her playing is flawless.

She sighed. "It's a long story."

"We've got time. I have forever."

"I don't."


"It's ok."

"So the story?" Aiden said.


"A long time ago, the four nations lived in perfect harmony, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked." I started off smiling.

"This isn't Avatar: The Last Air Bender. What's your story?" Aiden said.

"Hehe. Darn it." I said. "Ok. So way back when, before the vampire and fairy war, we all lived happily and no one messed with each other and we were all safe, my mother had taught me how to play the piano. Then the guitar. Then the violin and all that good stuff.

Well one day I was playing the piano and my mother was singing to the tune. My father and brother were out fixing the car when the power in the house went out. It was sunny outside so we still had light and I could still play the piano, but it was really unusual for that to happen.

Last time the power went out, we had and earthquake, but that didn't happen this time.

No one crashed their car into a light pole or anything. It just, went out.

So my mother went outside to tell my father about it, and I was left inside.

Suddenly I had heard gun shots and screaming, and I went outside to see what happened.

"Keep in mind I was only about 5 at the time."

"Right. So what happened?" Jace asked.

"Well I went outside only to find no one there."

"No one?" Aiden asked.

"No one. My parents and brother took the car and left me alone in that house. Well, alone is an understatement."

"What do you mean?" Jace asked.

"I went back inside to see my back door broken down and about 5 vampires in the house. They saw me and one of them came up to me, got down on one knee, and asked where my parents were.

I told them I didn't know. They left me.

The vampire told the others he had this and the others left. I guess he was the leader or something.

Then he started talking to me again.


"What's your name,little one."


"Well Rose, why did your parents leave you?"

"I don't know. The power went out, my mommy went to go talk to my daddy and then I heard someone shooting and screaming. Do you know where my parents are?"

"No. But I'm sure they'll come back for you. My name is Craven. I'm going to take care of you, okay?"

I smiled. "Okay."

He picked me up and I sat on his waist.


"Craven took me to his house, and it was big. Like a mansion, and he took care of me for many years, til I was about 14, but one day he went out to go shopping like he did every Thursday, and he didn't come back. The house barely had any food in it anyways so I was starving in a couple days. I had to leave the house, and when I went out, I was attacked.

"Craven told me never to leave the house, but I had no food or anything. I would've died. What could I do?"

"What happened after that?" Aiden asked.

"I had to live and survive on my own. I couldn't go out because by then, fairies were rare, and my hometown was wiped out. I was alone again. I've been on the run since then, but I was caught, auctioned off, and now I'm here."

"That's horrible. What happened to your parents?"

"I don't know. I think I'm the only fairy left today."

Jace had suddenly gotten up and left the room.

"I'll be back." He called out.

"Did I upset him or something?" I asked Aiden.

"No. He's just making a phone call. So tell me what all happened with Craven."

I smiled. "He was like a second father. He bought me girly stuff, taught me like I was in school. I even started to play the piano around him, and he sung to the tune. We have Movie Mondays and Taco Tuesdays. You know, family stuff."

"Why didn't he come back?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe I wasn't good enough anymore."

"Did he ever tell you that the fairies were wiped out?"

"No. It was something I found out on my own. It hurt so bad. I remember seeing nothing but ash and blood. The town was burned and the people were killed. It was a massacre. I looked through the ash of where my house use to be, an I found an old family photo. But I was burned out the picture."

"Do you think your family knew this was gonna happen, and the left you?"

"It's a possibility."

Then Jace walked in.

"Let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"No questions. Let's just go."

Aiden and I got up off the couch and followed Jace out the house.

I got on his back and he went all vampire super speed and we ended up in front of a house.

Wait, I recognized this house.


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