Chp9: I Saw Them

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"Rose. Is it really you?" Craven asked, putting his hand on my cheek.

I started crying harder. "Yes."

We both hugged again and stayed that was until someone cleared their throat.

We broke apart and looked at who did.


He came up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

Then the girl standing in front of the throne came and stood by Craven.

She looked at him then looked at us, no expression on her face.

"Jace," she said, "what's the meaning of this?" Her voice was strong.

She pointed at me and looked me up and down, then scrunched up her nose like I smelled like trash.

I don't. Fairies always stay clean. They can't get dirty.

"Tori, calm down." Craven said. "Remember the girl I told you about that I took care of many years ago because her family left her, this is her. This is Rose." He smiled at me.

I smiled back.

"Oh! I'm so sorry dear!" she exclaimed,her voice suddenly changing from strong to sweet. "I have to act strong around strangers so I don't get attacked. Sorry for that."

"Haha. It's ok."



What's happening?

Their suppose to be the mean, cruel parents I grew up to. Not the sweet, innocent ones.

"Jace, why have you brought her here? Not that I'm not happy, but I've tried tracking her down and searching for her. How did you find her?" My dad asked.



I think I've mentioned before that the king and queen are my parents.

Does Rose know? I'll tell her later.

"I brought her here because 1: she was talking about her life and how when her family left her, she was being taken care of by a person named Craven. She described him and I knew who she was talking about.

"And 2: she's my mate."

I looked at Rose and smiled and she smiled back.

Her smile is gorgeous.

"That still doesn't explain how you found her." My mom said.

"At an auction. She was being auctioned off. Lucky I found her or she would've died. Now I have a question for you two. Why the balls haven't you killed her yet? Not like I want you to, but y'all have always told me you've killed the fairies and stuff like that."

"No, no. We only said that to make you think we did. We didn't. The Werewolves started that shit. We had to take responsibly for it, an the other vampires followed along. Eventually others joined them, and being the King and Queen, we took responsibility for it. It comes with the job." My mom said.

Oh. So they acted the whole time.

"If anything, we tried to stop the war between it. That's why I went in and saved Rose. Or she would've died sooner." Dad said.

"She almost did die."


Everyone was looking at dad, and he was looking at the floor.

"I had left to go get groceries, when I saw them."

"Who?" Rose asked.

He looked at Rose. "You family. They were in the store, and I heard them talk about you. How they missed you, but not that much. They called you a winy bitch, and they said their glad they left you."

"What did you do to them?" Rose asked with a booming voice.

How the-

"I killed them."

My eyes widened and I looked at Rose.

She had no expression.

Then she went up to dad and hugged him.

Hold up-

"Thank you," She mumbled into his chest, "for sticking up for me. They were horrible parents anyways."

We all smiled at that.

She knows how to lighten the mood.


No spell check.


I'm trying to update as much as possible.

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