Chp5: Jace is....

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The door opened up and Jace walked in with someone.

Jace looked at me sitting by the piano.

"Where you about to play something?"

"Huh? Oh-no."

So it is sound proof. Interesting.

"Jacey, are you forgetting about me?" His friend said, giggling and pretending to twirl a piece of hair on his finger.

Gay much?

"Right....Rose, this is Aiden. He's my best friend. We've been together since year 2. I tell him everything and vise-versa. We've been through everything together. He's the brother I never had."

He wrapped his arm around Aiden's neck, pulling his down and rubbing his fist into Aiden's hair.

"No! It took me 2 hours to get it to look this good!" He cried, hiding behind the piano.


I smiled though. It was cute. Like children.

"Children? Little girl, do I look like a child?" Aiden asked, pointing at himself.

"I said that out loud?"

"Yes." Both Jace and Aiden said.


"Well, Im gonna go get something to drink. Want anything Aiden?" Jace asked.

"No I'm good."

"Ok. Rose?"

"Umm, some water please."

"Ok. Back in a sec."

Then he was gone and suddenly I was up against a wall and couldn't breathe.

Aiden had me by the neck and lifted me off the floor.

"I'll have you to drink."

He slid his fangs out.

Well shit. Again?

I clawed at his hands, struggling to breathe.

He held me there for a little bit longer, admiring me.

"Sucks Jace didn't kill you first. I heard it hurts more when it's not your mate."

Angered, I lifted up my leg and kicked him in the throat.

He stumbled back and dropped me.

I sucked in massive gulps of air and gave him a death stare.

Then he was screaming and holding his ears, on his knees on the floor.


"Rose! What are you doing!"

It was Jace.

I look towards him and Aiden stopped screaming.

"You bitch. Why'd you do that!" Aiden yelled, looking at the blood on his hands.

"Rose. Why did you do this?"

"I-I-he was- i didn't want to-"

"Wait." He held up his hand. "Save it. I don't want to hear your excuses."

He went to Aiden, helped him up, then they walked out my room, locking the door from the outside.

Aiden knew exactly why I did that, so why'd he lie?

Why wouldn't Jace let me explain?

Why did Aiden suddenly have a change and attack me?

Why didn't he just kill me then and there?

Why'd he wait?

What was he waiting for?

Or who was he waiting for?


He set me up.

He waiting for Jace to come back in and made me mad so I'd use my powers and hurt him so when Jace would see, It would look like I was trying to hurt or kill him on purpose.

He's smart. Damn.

But does he hate me?

Why does he hate me?

What's a mate?

Wait, mate?


















Jace is my mate.


No spell check.

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