Chp1: Bitch Please.

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My name is Jace Loveless.

I know my last name sounds bad but it's really not. I do love. Just not very many people.

Anyways, I was at home when I heard about the fairy auction.

Fairies are extremely rare these days.

My parents, the king and queen, had just about killed all of them.

They love the taste. If they heard of the auction, they would get that fairy. No matter what.

So I decided to get it.

And I did.

I'm at the auction now.

It's a girl. And she's really gorgeous. She had clear eyes and dark brown hair.

When I say clear eyes I mean her iris is clear. You can still see her pupil.

But man. I think I'm already falling for her.

I watched as she was yanked out of the cage and dragged back stage by her hair.

That pissed me off.

I pushed pass the crowd and walked back stage and watched as she was slapped across the face.

She was pushed against the wall, her back to the auctioneer.

"Listen here you little bitch, we're gonna have some fun. You better hope I don't drain you dry before that stupid prince does."


Bitch please.

He slid out his fangs and as he was about to sink them into her neck, she looked at him with a death stare.


It wasn't her scream that time. It was the auctioneer.

He recoiled from her and fell on his knees, holding his ears.


Then I smelled blood.

She was making his ears bleed.

"Hey!" I yelled.

She looked at me then at the auctioneer, gasping.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" she was saying. Then she started to tear up. She leaned against the wall and fell on her butt, pulling her knees against her chest, crying.

"You bitch!" the auctioneer yelled, "Now I'm really gonna kill you!" He got up and was about to attack her, but I got in front of him.

"No. You won't."

"My Prince, how long have you been here?" he got down on 1 knee, looking down.

"Long enough. Stand up, coward."

He stood looking me straight In the eyes.

"You know when you stare royalty in the eyes, you're challenging them."

"I do know." He said suddenly confident.

I could still here here crying. I need to get her out of here.

I didn't want to deal with this man long, so I just snapped his neck.

I heard the girl gasp. I turned and she was looking at the man, then she started to cry harder, shaking her head no.

"I'm sorry. Please don't kill me." She said.

It broke my heart. I would never.

I picked her up bridal style and walked out the back door if the auction.

I felt her wrap her arms around my neck.

Now to my cabin.


No spell check.

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