Chapter 16 : Truce

Start from the beginning

"Someone changed my phone’s ringtones and contact names."

"I wonder who that someone might be." Dasher says sarcastically. That girl!

"Do you have Anne's number?" I ask.


She changed hers to Ginny Weasley. Suits her

She has really embarrassed me today so without thinking I send her 'I hate you'.

Jacob : I love you

Anne : Aww, I knew you loved me.

Jacob : What the hell! You are amazing.

Anne : I already knew that but I am glad you figured it out as well.


She doesn't reply so I look over to their table. She is too busy laughing. By laughing I mean holding her stomach and banging the table laughing. Asher takes her phone and reads it. But he appears confused. Rose snatches the phone from him and starts laughing with her after reading the messages. They start talking so I turn to the ones who are reading over my shoulder.

"Why did you tell her 'I love you'?" Dasher asks confused.

"I meant to say 'I hate you' but I think she tampered with my auto - correct as well. She changed 'hate' to 'love' in my phone’s settings and 'crazy' to 'amazing'." I say gritting my teeth.

I glare at my phone while Dasher and Dylan laugh at my expense. When I look up I find her looking in my direction. This is too much; I decide to talk to her about it. But the bell rings and she uses it to rush out before I could even get up. She is going to pay for this one.


Our Physics teacher is absent and didn't give the substitute teacher any instructions so she allowed us to do anything we want but it must be done inside the class.

I decided to think of a prank. Right now I only have my phone so I have to think of some prank I can manage with it.

That's when I remember about some websites that were saying we can spam any person. I open one and using the instructions I spam Anne's phone. This will surely annoy her and she can't do anything about it.

Towards the end of the period she messages.


Jacob: Maybe or maybe not.


Jacob: Fix my phone.

"Why are you being so stubborn? Why can't you just apologize?" Dylan asks frustrated.

"She tampered with my phone!" I exclaim.

"And did you even stop to think why she did that? I will help you out; it’s because of what happened in the parking lot and at the party."

"Whenever I contemplate apologizing she pranks me!" I say in my defense.

"Maybe because you were being an asshole and didn't apologize at the right time?" He counters.


"Did you even think how she got your phone?" He scoffs and continues before I can answer "I gave it to her because I thought if you can't grow some balls and apologize to her maybe you would do it after she defeats you. Do you know how much this is straining everyone's relationships with each other? Hell even if it isn't her fault she offered to back out so why can't you man up and apologize?!"

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