Chapter 4

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(Don't mind the picture thats one of my lock screen pictures)


"YOU DID WHAT?!?!" Right now I was feeling tons of different emotions. I wasn't sure if I should be angry or confused or grateful or even sad. What happened you may ask? Well let me tell you.

She walked through the door, my perfect little niece. She took her shoes off and gave me one of her bright smiles. I didn't think much of it so I smiled one of my perfect smiles back and watched as she went to her room to do homework.

We sat down for dinner after I made some Ramen for the both of us, extra hot and spicy 'like my men' i thought to myself. Though in the middle of dinner I got a message from an unknown number.

To: Annoying hottie
~hello this is Ukai Keishin, you know the "wannabe skater boy" or also know as the really hot guy that came into your shop- ok you probably know now but I made a deal with your niece and now mr and you have to go on a date, soooo I guess just let me know when and where and I'll come pick you up....~
Sent: 7:15 pm
Read: 7:15 pm

And now here we are my niece just smiling innocently at me, and me being a mess.

"Hey you should thank me, I scored you a date with a hot guy." Afte she spoke it looked like there was more to the situation than me and ukai knew of.

"You're gaining something out of this aren't you?" I asked giving her a deadpan look.

"Yep!!" she oh so enthusiastically answered while nodding her head and shoving food in her mouth.

"Mif you dinf really wntf tfo go ouf then sfay and mofdel for mfe" she spoke with a mouth full of food.

"I'm sorry I dont speak impolite at the dinner table, but I can speak Japanese and english." I gave her an innocent smile.

"Ha ha very funny, I said if you don't really want to go out then stay and model for me. I need new pictures to post anyways." She stated after swallowing her food.

I may have forgot to mention that my niece is a really good photographer. She has alot of people model for her and she takes photos of them and posts them on her social medias. She also gets hired for other gigs for like high up magazine companies and weddings.

"Uuuugh I guess thats better than going out and not having you as my wing-woman, ill text him and ask about it...." i roll my eyes as i pull out my phone.

"Mk just let me know, but try and schedule for two days from now, thats a Saturday and I have to have them posted as soon as possible." She snapoed her fingers in my face and then picked up my bowl and continued to do the dishes.

As she did that I texted the annoying man himself after putting his contact name as 'annoying hottie 🙄😍' not knowing he did the same just without emojies....

From: Annoying Hottie
To: Annoying Hottie🙄😍
~yeah thats fine. Knowing my niece there is no way out of this. My niece had the idea of you coming over and us modeling for her pictures that she needs i don't mind i just wanted to make sure you were OK with it, if you care how does Saturday sound??~
Sent: 7:45pm
Read: 7:47pm


(A/n) WHATS UP guys sorry for such a short paragraph I was trying to get something out for yall to read....the next one will be normal i promise, I'm sorry for not updating for a few weeks I have been working alot and suoer busy and shit but I plan on updating more anyways feel free to comment anything and I'll probably respond to it lmao yeah so, have a nice day or night whatever it is I hope it's nice and ill see you all in the next chapter baiiii....

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